Albert was a Captain and married the daughter of Charles G. Gunter, Anna. He was the son of Benjamin Franklin Dozier and Rebecca Spann. He was born in South Carolina and died in Madison, Madison County, Florida, USA. He was a farmer and lived in Madison County, Florida. His wife, Anna died in 1895 and was buried in Montgomery, Alabama, USA. No further information
Name: Albert J Dozier, Enlistment Age:28, Birth Date:1833, Enlistment Date:28 Mar 1861, Enlistment Place: Madison, Florida, Enlistment Rank: Private, Muster Date:5 Apr 1861, Muster Place: Florida, Muster Company: F, Muster Regiment:1st Infantry, Muster Regiment Type: Infantry, Muster Information: Enlisted, Rank Change Date:24 Dec 1862
Rank Change Rank:2nd Lieutenant, Transfer Date:28 Jan 1862, Transfer From Unit: F
Transfer To Unit: H, Muster Out Date:6 Apr 1862, Muster Out Information: Mustered Out
Side of War: Confederacy, Survived War?: Yes, Complexion: Sallow, Eye Color: Gray, Hair Color: Light, Height:5 ft, 8 1/2 inches
Notes:1865-05-12 Paroled, (Tallahassee, FL)
Additional Notes 2:Muster 2 Date: 15 May 1862; Muster 2 Place: Florida; Muster 2 Unit: 1098; Muster 2 Company: I; Muster 2 Regiment: 2nd Cavalry; Muster 2 Regiment Type: Cavalry; Muster 2 Information: Enlisted; Muster 3 Date: 03 Sep 1863; Muster 3 Place: Florida; Muster 3 Unit: 1115; Muster 3 Company: F; Muster 3 Regiment: 5th Infantry; Muster 3 Regiment Type: Infantry; Muster 3 Information: Commission; Rank Change 2 Date: 03 Sep 1863; Rank Change 2 Rank: First Lieutenant; Rank Change 2 Information: As of Co. F 5th FL Cav; Rank Change 3 Date: 01 Jan 1865; Rank Change 3 Rank: Captain; Rank Change 3 Information: Estimated date; MusterOut 2 Date: 03 Sep 1863; MusterOut 2 Information: disch for Promo;
Title: Soldiers of Florida in the ...Civil War...; Biographical Rosters of Florida's Soldiers 1861-1865