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Mentioned in the McCollum narrative  (See Mcllum page) 

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CAPPS,                       Family


confed 20.jpg

William Henry Capps was born in 1841, or 1845 ?, being the son of William Calhoun Capps and Mary Matilda Capps. It is said that he came to Brazil - from the state of. Alabama. We don't know when he arrived. He married, in Santa Barbara, SP, Anne Ellis, daughter of Warren Montgomery Ellis and Mary Matilda (Strong) Ellis, probably shortly after August 1869. William and Anne would have 12 or 13 children.  Of these, the name of 8 can be found in the regisration of W. H. Capps, which took place on June 6, 1890. Anne must have died shortly before April 30, .1890, because, in the list of voters in Santa Barbara in the 49th quarter of the city the name of Henry Capps _ appears as a widow, for about 45 years, therefore not coinciding with that of registration of death. 


His second marriage, W. H. Capps married on April 18,.1892, with Agnes Mariana Hawthorne, according to marriage registration, in Santa Barbara. On January 29, 1894, Mirian Constance Capps was born and died on August 11, 1983, buried in the field of Campo.  Agnes (or Ignes?) Mariana (Hawthorne) Capps must have died between 1894 and 1900 since in W. H. Capps's death record she is mentioned as a widow.


He was buried in the - Cem1ter10 do Campo. The inscription of his tomb, like that of Anne, has his mouth, but not the dates. According to the W. H. Capps death record, we have the name and age of the following children: Henry Spencer, 32; Edwin and Ella, 25; Allie, 23; Clarence, 21; Roland, 18; Robert, 12 (his age should be 15). In SD, the names of Arthur, George, Frederick, Charles Monroe and Beulah are also mentioned.

See Capps family page.



Benjamin C.

John Frederick

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Albert Gallatin                          














Albert Gallatin Carr family immigrated from Alabama, USA.  Many members buried at Campo Cemetery.  

 The Montgomery Advertiser, Sun. Ap[r 3, 1887  page 8

Died In Brazil​

Died in Santa Barbara, Province De Sao Paulo, Brazil, on February 8, 1887, Albert G. Carr.​

Mr. Carr was born August 26, 1829, and was raised near Snowdoun, Montgomery County, Alabama, from whence he moved to Lowndes County, where nis brothers, Mr. James Carr and Dr. G. W. L. Carr, still reside.  He went to Brazil in 1866 and never returned.

 Mr. Carr was twice married.  His first wife was Miss Mary Ray, also a native of Montgomery County.  After her death, he married Miss Mary Newman, daughter of Rev. Mr. Newman, Methodist missionary to Brazil from Mississippi.  Mr. Carr had four children, one son and three daughters all married.  His daughters still live in Brazil.

Chattanooga Daily Times  Sun. Mar. 19, 1911  Page 3​


Well-Known Travers' Aid" in Work of W.W.C.A.​

Mrs. Mary Newman Carr, who has been a veritable angel to untold lone women travelers who have passed through the terminal station, died yesterday at 1:15 o'clock at the West Ellis Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Carr spent many months in this city serving the Y.W.C.A. as "Travelers Aid" at the Terminal where she gave her attention to women traveling alone and to young girls arriving in the city in search of work.  Ill health caused her to abandon her work about nine months ago, to the great regret of her associates.​

Mrs. Carr was a deaconess of the M. E. Church south.  She was a native of Ala-bama, born in 1851.  With her father, Junius E. Newman, she went to Brazil at the age of 17, becoming a missionary at that age.  With her sister, she established one of the first girls' schools in Brazil.  The family introduced Southern Methodism into South America.  While in Brazil she married A. D. Carr, Also a missionary.  He died there and soon she returned to the States to engage in work as a home missionary.​

She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Virginia Shackelford, of Meridian, and a brother, William Newman, who is in Brazil.

Funeral services will be held from the Centenary M.E. Church, south, this after-noon at 4 o'clock, conducted by the pastor, Dr. W.E. Thompson.  Internment will be in Forest Hills cemetery.  Pallbearers will be G. Fred Thomas, C.C. Breeden, Charles Coffey, and Could McClure.  


Name: A G Carr

Occupation: Farmer

Birth Date: abt 1826

Birth Place: USA, Alabama, Montgomery County

Enlistment Date:2 Jun 1862

Enlistment Place: Alabama, USA

Enlistment Age:36

Military Branch: Cavalry

Regiment or Unit:56th Alabama Regiment

Company Unit: A

Enlistment Info: Age 36, Alabama, Montgomery, Private

Remarks: Enlist by Captain A. W. DeBardeleben for the war. Blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion, and 6ft 2in.

Author: Descriptive roster of privates in Co. A 56th Ala Reg. (Company Book).

See Carr family page.



George Washington 

Immigrated from South Carolina, USA,  No further information yet.
Settled in Santarem, No further information yet,   Source LOP



Richard G. Carlton served with the 21st Battalion, Georgia Cavalry, Co. B and later in Co. E. When the 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry was organized, he was assigned to Company F of the 7th.

Pvt. Carlton, returning home after the war, found they had lost everything during the Sherman criminal burnings. He and his wife Cynthia moved to Brazil shortly after the war when they found that the emperor of Brazil was offering free land for establishing agriculture. After moving to Brazil, Richard and Cynthia had a daughter, Betty, who married Eugene Virgil Seawright, son of Ebenezer W. Seawright, a manufacturer of farm equipment.

Information provided by Hilton Seawright, gg-grandson of Richard Carlton.


The above mentioned "Betty" was Anna Elizabeth Carlton

The Times-Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed.  Page 1


Mr. Richard Carlton, who rents Mr. Barr's fazenda, is from Mississippi and came from New Orleans to Brazil on the Tartar in May 1868.... 

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James Wenoir        

Immigrant passenger aboard the "Marmion"
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CARTER,                    Alabama

Thomas I.


Robert J.


Margaret - Mrs.

Settled in Santarem,
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Source LOP

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Charles Brent          

Mentioned in YANCEY family page.  

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Orestes Parmeno                  

Maj. Gen. Orestes Parmeno Chaffee, born in *Bloomfield, Ohio, October 3, 1832; married in Holbrook, Arizona December 8, 1885, Mrs. Helen (Jenkins) Nichols, daughter of Upton Jenkins of Maryland; no children; residence, 1886, Holbrook, in 1904, New Orleans, Louisiana. The following story of his life is taken from the New Orleans Times-Democrat: "Major O. P. Chaffee, a brother of General Adna Chaffee, chief of staff of the United States Army, after many vicissitudes now in the office of Quartermaster Bloom, in New Orleans, yesterday, told a startling, strenuous story, with the elements of both the fairy tale and the dime novel. He was born on a farm in Ashtabula County, Ohio, and when merely a boy, started off to St. Louis, to enter a bank as clerk, not to see his family again for thirty-five years.

For the rest of the story
See Chaffee family page


Rev. George W.

George W. Chamberlain.png

George Whitehill Chamberlain

Head of the MacKinzie University
The Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Portuguese: Universidade Presbi-teriana Mackenzie) is a private university in São Paulo, Brazil. The Mackenzie Presbyterian University is an institution of higher learning that has strong tradition and history in Brazil. It has campuses for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in São Paulo (Campus  Higie-nópolis), Campinas, Barueri (Campus Alphaville), BrasiliaCuritiba and Rio de Janeiro


Founded in 1870 as the American School, Mackenzie is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Brazil. The university is regarded nationally and internationally as a center of excellence having graduated numerous important names in Brazilian history.


For the rest of the story
See Chamberlain family page


Joseph Jackson      

Joseph Jackson Cherry  The inclusion of the names of Joseph Jackson Cherry and his wife Elisa Cherry in the list of members of PIB / Santa barbara comes from the reference made in a letter written by Dr. Bagby FMB, on June 30, 1881. He says that they lived in Botucatu, Sao Paulo, and that it was a great effort to come to the sessions in SB, on a trip of 100 miles.

J. J. Cherry and his wife are said to have been from Texas. We don't know when they arrived in Brazil, whether they stayed here, or when they would have returned to the USA. It seems to us that the couple had two children.

D. Cherry going from Rio de Janeiro to New York, leaving on 03.December 1, 1885. (In MPRJ p. 330).

According to documents found in the Cartorio de Notas, in Santa Barbara, SP, the couple must have arrived there at the end of 1874 or the beginning of 1875. From the date of 1 May 1, 1875, onwards, they appear on the registration of purchase and sale of property, demand, mortgage, friendly land division, exchange of ownership and finally confirmation that JJ Cherry will acquire a property in Botucatu, next to that of Robert Meriwether. This places them there throughout the year 1877.

A search at Cartorio in Botucatu was unable to locate his name in the Distribution sector. Also,  not found was a record of his Obituary or his wife. We were at the local cemetery, in the idea of ​​having some data recorded in lapidary, but, - we found nothing. So, this little information is recorded here about the Cherry couple.

 SOURCE:  Loosely translated and paraphrased from the original Portuguese manuscript.


Uma  Contribuiao  para  a  Hist6ria dos Prim6rdios do Trabalho Batista no Brasil    1985

Betty  Antunes  de Oliveira

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CLARK,                    George Alfred

Charles G.

William Henry

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John William




In 1849, John Keyes Washington already graduated in Medicine from the Medical College of Ohio, United States, received his degree of Dental Surgeon from Ohio College of Dental Surgery, starting to contribute significantly to the development of scientific literature in dentistry. After the Civil War in the United States, from 1861 to 1865, when John served as an officer surgeon in the Army, the family decided to move to Brazil. They settled in Rio de Janeiro, where they began their activities in dentistry, which were greatly enriched with their important contributions, marked by the pursuit of accuracy and clinical excellence since then.

In 1874, John William Coachman received the “Dental Office” title from the Brazilian Imperial Government and, together with his brothers-in-law Charles Whiting Keyes and William Baldwin Keyes, he began what would become a tradition for the family in the country: to lead and increasingly improve this important field of Medicine. They have excelled in the field, which resulted in serving Emperor Dom Pedro II, thus becoming close to the palace for many years.


Regiment: Batty B Milton Light Artillery Battery Florida

Date of Organization:5 Mar 1863

Muster Date:26 Apr 1865

Regiment State: Florida

Regiment Type: Light Artillery

Regiment Number: Batty B Milton

Battles: Fought on 20 Feb 1864 at Olustee, FL.
Fought on 28 Feb 1864 at Camp Finegan, FL.
Fought on 4 Mar 1865 at Natural Bridge, FL.
Fought on 6 Mar 1865 at Natural Bridge, FL.

Regiment History: MILTON ARTILLERY.

See Coachman family page.



Augusto G.              



J. C.                


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 Immigrated from Texas, USA. 

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John Absolum



He would travel and set up a homestead in Brazil.  Later he would return to the United State and settle in Florida, near Ocala.  He would found the small village of Santos (named after Santos, Brazil). His extended family includes the Liddells and Matthews who also returned to settle near him in Florida.

The Times-Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed. Page 1
Col. John A. Cole, of Alabama, came to Brazil in June 1866.  His fazenda contains 1, 000 acres, for which he paid $3,600 in gold, including a fine mill and ginhouse, a good pasture, and the best water power in the country.  He has since put up a dwelling house, which cost him $1,00 in gold.  His buildings and machinery are all of the very first class. He has planted two crops of cotton and corn.  His first crop of cotton was 22 acres, which made 10 bales; his present crop of 28 acres yielded 60 bales some portions of it making 600 lbs of lint to the acre.  His lands are well watered and splendidly situated; expects to plant 30 acres in cotton and 112 in corn in the coming year...

The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat  Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which mentions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama:  Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr. Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.

See Cole family page


Charles Clairville 

 Charles Collyer, of North American nationality, married Silvéria, from the city of Camocim in Ceará. Charles was a crew member on an American ship that called at that city to load babassu oil. The marriage probably took place in the 1870s. The couple's children were all born in Belém: Charles (Salico), Sophia Bella, João Afonso (Janjão) and Maria Idalina (Maroca).

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James Denson

James Denson Conyers

BIRTH 16 MAY 1837 • Montgomery, Alabama, USA

DEATH 17 APR 1875 • At sea, On way from Brazil to USA Yellow fever
Mary Frances Scott

BIRTH ABT 1840 • Alabama

DEATH 10 MAR 1861 • Montgomery County, Alabama, USA

Son of Martha E. Carr and James Ross Conyers.  Martha was the sister of Albert Gallatin Carr.  After his wife died in 1866, he and his two sons relocated to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


After the Civil War James Denson along with his sons James Denson II and brother John Cogburn escaped to Brazil. The father died at sea and John  died on 26 FEB, 1886 in Santa Barbara, Brazil.  James II came back to the United States and died date unknown - Buried Oak Hill Cemetery, Bullock County, Alabama, USA

The Montgomery Advertiser,  2 Jun, 1875  Page 3

James D. Conyers, formerly a citizen of this county, but for many years past residing in Rio de Janeiro, died at sea on the 17th of April last, of yellow fever.  He was on his way back to the United States.  Mr. Conyers was well and favorably known, and has many relatives and friends here, among them Dr. Jno. C. Nicholson, his brother-in-law, and Wm. C. Ray, Esq, a kinsman.


Name:   James D. Conyers

Side:  Confederate

Regiment State/Origin:  Alabama

Regiment:  1st Regiment, Alabama Infantry

Company:  C

Rank In:  Captain

Rank Out:  Captain

No further information yet.


Joseph Thomas


Joseph Thomas Cook

Immigrated from Texas with the "New Texas" colony under Frank McMullen.  The Cooks would eventually return to their home state.


(Excerpted from his Bio)

Even I felt my heart yearn for Texas, and I knew Ann's life would always be saddened as a wanderer in Brazil. One day I asked Ann, "How would you like to return to Texas?  The flash of joy that spread over her face decided me. I mentioned my plans to others of our company, and they immediately decided to return to Texas with us.

I visited our American Consul for information regarding boats. He was very kind and gave me a letter to the captain of a large vessel soon to leave for the United States, but we had to await the captain's pleasure as to the time of starting  With the Captain's consent I bought one thousand sacks of coffee, and they served as ballast. The Captain of the"Sea King" was a jolly good fellow always laughing and playing pranks on his green passengers. How glad our hearts were when we reached New Orleans, and when our feet again touched the beloved soil of Texas, even the men of our little homecoming party nearly wept for joy. I sold my coffee in Galveston and that fortunate speculation gave me a good foundation on which to build financially. And when at last we settled in Navasota, I found that my life amongst the kind people of Brazil had given me a fund of experience and useful knowledge. We, like others in the South, settled down and took life as we found it under the Star-Spangled Banner.


At age 58. He served in Capt. Michael Costley's ranger company and also under Capt. Isham Medford and Capt. B. A. Vansickle. He was under Capt. Baley C. Waters in the Cherokee battle [Battle of the Neches in 1839], where Chief Boles was killed. He received bounty warrant #784 for 320 acres. J. S. Able, Bell Co., knew applicant since 1835 and first met him in Nacogdoches Co. J. T. Gibson, Cherokee Co., affirmed service from 1834 to 1838. Cook was born in Franklin Co., AL, in 1817 and immigraged to Texas in 1832

See Cook family page

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 Settled in Santarem,

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Source LOP

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COULTER,                Family

George Dekalb Coulter

BIRTH 25 DEC 1839 • Sevier Co, Arkansas - DEATH 1 APR 1881 • Brazil

Married on April 7, 1872, in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

BIRTH 22 JUN 1848 • Louisiana, USA - DEATH 19 JUL 1878 • Santa Bárbara, Minas Gerais, Brazil,  the daughter of Martin Felix Demaret II and Pamela Zelde Foster, Confederado settlers of Santa Barbara.  They are both buried at the Campo Cemetery in Santa Barbara.

George and Pamela would have at least two children

See Coulter family page.




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C. A.


Immigrated from Fairfield, Texas with the "New Texas" group under Frank McMullen.  A bachelor, he sailed on the ill-fated Derby.  When the Deby struck the rocks fell off of a table where he had been sleeping and broke his collarbone.  Although Crawley was in pain, his injury was not so serious.  Even though injured, Crawley elected to continue on his adventure.  His collarbone was mending and his enthusiasm for Brazil was as high as ever.

Once in Brazil, he set up a makeshift home with fellow bachelor, James Davis.  On a trip for supplies to Peruibe he stopped by the home of the Bowen family who were in the final stages of the wedding of their daughter, Sue,  and Eugene Smith, son of A. I Smith.  The family was excited to see their fellow Texan as there were no witnesses save family, much to the dismay of Parson Quillin.  The parson called the newlyweds into a private room and had them repeat the vows again with a bonafide witness and then secured Crawley's signature on the official papers.

He would marry Rebecca Russell, the widowed daughter of Thomas Garner.  They would leave the colony and relocate to Santos, before finally settling in Santa Barbara.  

See Crawley family page
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J H Crisp.jpg

Dr. John Hancock Crisp, was born 4-14-1799 in Caswell Co., NC and died 7-8-1888 near Santa Barbara, Brazil, South America.  He is buried in Campo Cemetery where many other Confederate Veterans and their descendants are buried. About 80 families relocated to South America after the Civil War was over.  Dr. John married 1st in 1828 in Maury Co., TN, Mary "Polly" Jones, daughter of Thomas H. Jones and Catharine McKelroy "Katy" Shaw, who were also early settlers of Gibson Co. By Mary, he had two children, Dr. J. J. Crisp and Elizabeth Jones "Lizzie" Crisp, who married Shelton Oliver.  Dr. John married 2nd in Caswell Co., NC, Mary Kennon "Polly" Smith, and had 5 children by her: Samuel Crisp, Alexander Smith "Aleck" Crisp, Richard C. "Dick" Crisp, Mary Kennon "Kinnie" Crisp, and Jane Paschal "Jennie" Crisp. Dr. John moved to Trenton from Maury Co., TN shortly after he married.  He was the first doctor to practice in Trenton, building his home where the Post Office parking lot is now.

Two Brothers served in Terry's Rangers as well, Samuel Crisp and Alexander Crisp. Dr. John Hancock Crisp was involved in a lawsuit brought by the Freedman's Bureau in Colorado Co., TX and essentially the Bureau Agent and two of his northern friends ended up with all of Dr. Crisp's material wealth leaving him broke. There are letters written by Dr. Crisp from South America where he refers to his dissatisfaction with the "Yankee Rule" after the War. In 1860, Dr. Crisp had 164 slaves named in papers.

The Times-Argus, 29 Oct. 1869, Wed.  Page 1


Mr. J, H. Crisp, of Texas, came to Brazil in August 1867 and purchased what the latter represented to be upwards of 400 acres, for which he paid $2,000 in gild.  Upon inspection, the doctor finds but 243 acres.  He also owns an interest in an undivided tract of land adjoining him.  His lands are primarily terra rocha and terra vernella, with a small portion of white land.  Included in his purchase was a very good dwelling, outhouses a pasture of fifteen acres of Bermuda grass with some other slight improvements.  His property is splendidly located, with an abundance of water and plenty of timber.  There is no water power, however, in this place.  The doctor has raised two crops of cotton and corn; his last cotton was planted in November and December, too late to make a good stand; will make 23 or 24 bales off of 35 acres.  He planted 35 acres of corn.  He works  seven field hands, his fazenda is well stocked, and he is making all necessary improvements.  He expects to plant 70 acres of cotton and 35 of corn in the coming year.... 


Mr. A. S. Crisp, of Texas, son of Dr. J. H. Crisp, came to Brazil in August 1867, and located shortly after on his present farm, about three miles from his father's fazenda.  He bought 470 acres of land, for which he paid $2,000, including a dwelling house, 1 cow, and 10 hogs.  His lands are terra rocha and terra branca.  He planted two crops of cotton and corn.  His last crop of cotton - ten - acres - falls a little short of one bale, to the acre.  Mr. Crisp has a fine body of land which lies well for cultivation and is well watered and timbered.  He expects to plant 49 acres of cotton this coming year....

The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat  Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which memntions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama:  Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.

See Crisp family page.







Birth 1850 • Alabama

Death 1894 • Santa Bárbara do Oeste -São Paulo - Brasil

Marriedd: Santa Bárbara do Oeste -São Paulo - Brasil

Alice Weisinger


Birth 12 DEC 1857 • Coal City, St Clair, Alabama, USA

Death 20 FEB 1923 • Brazil

Need Bio  -  See Cullen Family page

Alice Weissinger Cullen


Abraham Whitaker 


Abraham "Abram" W. Currie 

When war broke out, Abram enlisted in the 3rd Louisiana Infantry, Company H. Over the next four years he was promoted to Captain. He was captured on July 4, 1863, at the fall of Vicksburg. Abe could probably see his family's home across the river from Vicksburg's high bluffs and must have been heartbroken to think of what had happened there: his family had fled westward, away from the fighting; the plantation was overgrown and possibly flooded, the house looted and burned.

After the war, we are not yet sure where Abe was during the next few years--probably in Texas. We know that he sailed to Brazil with his aunt Jennie Whitaker, wife of Adeline's brother Orville, in July of 1878. Many thousands of Southerners went to Brazil and other countries after the war to start a new life. (If you don't know about this fascinating part of American history, see the bottom of this page for bibliography.)

Abe and Delia were divorced on February 16, 1871. The papers are in Portuguese.

In December 1878, Abe married his second wife, Helen Paulina Domm, in Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Brazil. Helen was the daughter of a very prominent citizen of Santa Barbara, blacksmith John Damm and his wife Augusta Bohne Domm.  See Domm family page.

See Currie family page


Thomas H.

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