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The Times Argus, 29, Oct. Wed. Page 1
Mr. M. L. Tanner of Mississippi came to Brazil in the early part of 1868. He bought several interests in the "Bonn Reteiro" for which he paid about $2,000; no improvements except a dwelling house. His land is almost entirely ferra branca but of the very best quality. He planted 28 acres of cotton the present year, which made him 30 bales; he also raised a crop of corn. Mr. Tanner's lands are finely located with plenty of good timber and water. He works eight or ten field hands and expects to plant about acres in cotton the coming year; also several acres in corn....
Looking for information
See Tanner family page
Thomas Nelson Tarver
On January 25, 1867, the family, Nelson, Sarah, and their four children departed from Texas at Galveston on an English ship the brig "Derby" with the Frank McMullan and the Confederate exiles that migrated to the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The journey hit hard times when the ship ran aground in Cuba from the winds of an early hurricane in 1867. Nelson is recorded in the New York Times in February of 1867 as being one of the passengers and is referred to as Judge Tarver of Freestone, Texas". The shipwrecked passengers were picked up by the steamer "Mariposa" and taken to New York where they arrived on March 26, 1867, to await the arrival of a transport streamer to Brazil to where they would finish their sea voyage to their new home. They sailed from New York on the steamship "North America" of the Brazil line departing on April 22, 1867, and arriving in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil on May 20, 1867. Nelson and his family are recorded in the Census of November 9, 1867, of the McMullan Colony. They are reported as settling first in the Juquiá River settlement near Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil moving then to Santa Barbara D'Oeste, São Paulo after the first settlement failed. Graves for Louisa Tarver MacAlpine, Benjamin F Tarver, and some members of their families can be found in the Campo Cemetery near Americana, São Paulo, Brazil. Descendants of Nelson Tarver are still found to this day in the United States and Brazil.
Name Thomas N. Tarver
Side Confederate
Regiment State/Origin Texas
Regiment 9th Regiment, Texas Infantry (Maxey's) (Young's)
Company E
Rank In Private
Rank Out Private
Alternate Name Thomas M./Tarver
Film NumberM227 roll 36
See Tarver family page
No further information yet

William T. Terrell
Mary Ann Moncrief, the widow Terrell relocated to Brazil after the death of her husband William A.H. Terrell
William Hudson Terrell was born in 1819 in Virginia, USA. He died in 1861 in Louisiana, USA. He was a 2nd Lt. in Company I, 1st Cavalry, Louisiana. He was married to Mary Anne Moncrief, the daughter of Wilborn Moncrief and Emily Howell Hopkins. The marriage probably took place prior to 1855 in Louisiana. Mary Anne was born in 1838 in Harris County, Georgia, USA, and passed away in 1916 in Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The widow, Mary Anne would marry for a second time to Mr. Ayers, probably in Brazil prior to 1870.
William Hudson Terrell and Mary Anne Moncrief would have at least three children. There are no stated children between Mr. Ayers and Mary Anne.
Their son was:
William T. Terrell was born on February 24, 1856, in Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA and passed away on December 6, 1923, in Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil. His father had died in 1861. His widowed mother would make the journey, sons in tow, to Brazil. On January 16, 1878, in Santa Barbara d'oeste, Sao Paulo, Brasil he married Angelletta (Kittie) R. Green. Kittie was the daughter of Joseph I Green and Mary Elizabeth "Eliza" Scoggins. The Green family was originally from Louisiana but had relocated to Texas just prior to removing to Brazil. They were part of the McMullen colony of "New Texas". Eliza passed away in Navarro County, Texas just prior to the family travelling to Brazil. Kitty was born on June 8, 1855, in Winn Parish, Louisiana, USA and died on April 1, 1926, in Santa Barbara d' Oeste, São Paulo, Brazil.
Capt. William A. H. Terrell: Company D of the 8th Louisiana Cavalry, CSA
See Terrell family page.
Robert Porter

Immigrated from Arkansas, USA,
Robert was a Mason. He was ordained 21 February 1871 at the Church of Christ at Pleasant Hill in Sevier Co., Arkansas. The Thomas family moved to Brazil and arrived in Rio de Janeiro on 22 July 1871. He married Emily Perkins, 6 December 1849, Hempstead Co., Arkansas. They were the parents of Martha Ferebe, William Francis, Abram Curtis, Margaret Elizabeth, Robert S., Sarah Emily, and Mary Frances Thomas. Martha Ferebe stayed in the United States when the family moved to Brazil.
She was the daughter of Rev. Isaac Cooper Perkins, and Hannah Guest.
See Thomas family page
Rev. Ballard F.
Rev. Ballard Franklin Thompson
Missionary in Recife, Ballard F. Thompson was born in Wilson County, Tennessee, on October 10, 1847. In 1875, he received a bachelor's degree from Stewart College, the Presbyterian, Southwest, in Clarksville, in the same state, and worked as a teacher. He studied theology at the Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, which he joined in 1876, and was lic-
ensed by the Nashville Presbytery on April 23, 1879, and ordained in January 1880. Appointed a missionary in 1879, he arrived in Recife on February 26, 1880, as the assistant to the Rev. John Rockwell Smith.
The Rev. William Calvin Porter, addressing the 50th anniversary of the Presbytery of Pernambuco (August 15, 1938), said that Ballard was strong and well-disposed. Learned in a short time the Portuguese. One afternoon he went to the Madalena neighborhood to visit a family believer and the house girls took him to the place. Although warned, he ate warmed guavas
by the afternoon sun. Said, "This does not hurt me." He died within a week, on the 27th of April 1880, a victim of gastric fever. He arrived in Brazil two months ago and was only 33 years old. His death prompted seminar colleague and friend DeLacey Wardlaw to take his place, coming to work for many years.
• Lessa, Annaes , 188.
• Ferreira, History of IPB , I: 182s.
• A General Catalog of Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, 1807-1924
Rev. George Wood Thompson
A selfless pioneer in Central Brazil
George Thompson was born in Bolivar, Tennessee, on February 13, 1863. He was the son of D. Lucy C. Thompson and the Rev. Philip Thompson, who was Aapastor in Louisville, Kentucky, and died in 1871. George professed the faith at the age of only thirteen. Studied at the university of Southwest Presbyterian in Clarksville, Tennessee, where he graduated in June 1882. He then attended the Columbia Theological Seminary in South Carolina, which he formed in May 1885, having been licensed by the Nashville Presbytery in 1884 and ordained in April 1885. He worked for a year in Waverly, Tennessee. Departed from Newport News (Virginia) on June 8, 1886, arriving in Rio de Janeiro on 4 accompanied by Rev. John Boyle, who had been on vacation in the United States with the family and had obtained permission to reside in Central Brazil. In the same year, the two missionaries visited the points of the Minas Gerais Triangle in which Boyle had preached in 1884 and decided that Baggage (current Southern Star) should be the new base of operations. Thompson left a detailed description of that trip. Said to have accompanied Boyle to taste their future work and to see if they would agree on cities to be chosen as new mission centers. They left Mogi-Mirim on the 11th day of August 1886, by train to the White House. There, Antônio Rangel, colporteur and accompanying troop guide, provided saddle and cargo animals. They took a week to the Rio Grande, staying overnight at the troupe's landings, and another week Baggage. They stayed for a week in the house of Mr. Tertuliano Goulart, who had been baptized with Rev. Boyle's family in 1884.
See G. W. Thompson family page

Rev. William McQuown Thompson
Missionary in Maranhão, Amazônia and Garanhuns
William M. Thompson was born on December 4, 1864, in Riverside, Rockbridge, Virginia. He was the son of John McQuown Thompson and Agnes Hamilton Thompson. His childhood passed in the difficult years after the Civil War and he had working hard in the field since childhood, especially after the death of his father, when he was only eight years old. Desiring to study, after caring for the animals and walking 12 km to the nearest school. He had two brothers, Charles and John, who were lifelong believers, having been presbyters and superintendents of the schools and their respective churches. He studied at Washington and Lee University, in Lexington, and at Union Theological Seminary (1887-1890), in the same state. Was ordered by the Lexington Presbytery on May 10, 1890.
Accompanied by his wife, Kate Bridgefort Guthrie, with whom he married on June 12, 1890, embarked for Brazil in Newport News, in his native state, when he saw the sea for the first time. He arrived in Maranhão on November 21, 1890, to help and later replace the Rev. Dr. George W. Butler, who, after a period of rest was transferred to Pernambuco in 1893. The two missionaries planned the construction of a boat for the evangelistic trips in the rivers of Maranhão and Piauí but did not use it. Experience has shown that it was preferable to pay for transport on career boats. Rev. Thompson resided in São Luís for several years as a missionary, the local church is, since the end of 1893, under the care of Rev. Belmiro de Araújo César. In São Luís were born their first children: Prentice (03- 05-1891), who died in France during World War I, and Lily, born on 22 January 1895.
See W. M. Thompson family page
Rev. Edmond Allen
Rev. Edmond Allen Tilly was a minister and occupied the pulpit at the Pocahontas, Virginia Methodist church. He was selected to serve as a missionary to Brazil and left for that destination in about 1888. He was an exceptional preacher and had a large following. On November 6, 1890, he married Ella Virginia Porter, the daughter of Confederado James Denford Porter and Susan Francis of Marengo County, Alabama. Mr. Porter died a few months after the family's arrival in Brazil in 1868, leaving a young widow with children. Edmond and Ella would have four daughters, all born in Brazil.
In October of 1915, he, Ella, and the girls would return to Bristol on account of his failing health. He had suffered for about five from paralysis from which he died from in 1916. Ella lived five more years and died after a long illness in 1921
See Tilly family page
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Silas S.
Sergeant, Company D 31st Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Hawpe's)
Poison Spring and Cabin Creek
Name: Silas S. Totten
Side: Confederate
Regiment State/Origin: Texas
Regiment:31st Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Hawpe's)
Rank In: Private
Rank Out: First Sergeant
Alternate Name: Silas S./Totton
See Totten family page
Settled in Santarem, No further information yet, Source LOP
Need Biographical information
Edward Townsend
BIRTH 1845 • Alabama, USA
DEATH 1883 Brazil?
Martha Alabama Norris
BIRTH 04 AUG 1847 • Dallas, Alabama, USA
DEATH 9 FEB 1906 • Americana, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Daughter of William Hutchinson Norris and Mary Black
See Townsend family page
Edward Saunders
Immigrated from Alabama, USA. Edward Saunders Trigg was born on 14 August 1818, in Pulaski, Giles, Tennessee, United States, his father, Abraham Trigg, was 37 and his mother, Martha Theodosia Saunders, was 31. He married Martha Jane Shepherd on 11 March 1842, in Sumner, Tennessee, United States. They were the parents of at least 4 sons and 3 daughters. He lived in Citronelle, Mobile, Alabama, United States in 1880. He died on 6 January 1899, in Blocton, Bibb, Alabama, United States, at the age of 80.
The Times Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed. Page 1
Mr. E. S, Trigg of Alabama, came to Brazil in May; has made a small crop of cotton and corn on the lands of Col. Norris. Planted in the new ground about 18 acres made 9 bales of cotton. He has bought 100 acres of land at $5 per acre; is putting up a dwelling house, and expects to plant 20 acres of cotton and a few acres in corn in the coming year....
The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which memntions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama: Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.
The Weekly Advertiser, Fri, Jan 13, 1899, Page 5
In the death of Mr. E. S. Trigg, the community lost a good citizen.
Blockton, Jan.1 – (Special) Mr. E. S. Trigg died at the home of his son, Dr. A.. W. Trigg, yesterday evening at 2 o'clock. The old gentleman was 82 years of age and was a very remarkable man in a great many respects. Before the Civil War, he was an extensive planter and slaveholder, and immediately after the confederacy had fallen, and a vast amount of his property had left him with lightning rapidity, and the country was overrun with rads and Negro domination, the elements were too warm for the old gentlemen’s proud southern blood in the conquered land, so, like a number of other strong-willed men, he packed up his flock and cast his lot in Brazil.
For four years the old gentleman lived and prospered in that foreign land, and when the thunders of reconstruction had ceased to roll, and law and good order had once more been established in the southland, Mr. Trigg became once more a citizen of the United States. Another remarkable incident in his life is this: for a great many years after he returned from South America he was engaged in the Mercantile business in Tuscaloosa County, During which time a vast amount of business was transacted, yet he never lost an account. He was a successful businessman, a conscientious Baptist, and a lifelong Democrat. He leaves three sons and a daughter and a host of friends to mourn his loss.
American Barque – Helen Angier
Departed Rio for Mobile 14th of
October in 1874
Robert Broadnax
Anna Broadnax
Samuel Royt
William Trigg
Edward Trigg
10-15-1874 Jornal
de Comércio
– Page X

The Mobile Daily Tribune, 8 Dec. 1874, Tue page 4
Personal--Col. Robert Broadnax and wife, and Mr. E.S. Trigg and son, arrived in this city Sunday evening on the Bark Helen Angier, from Rio de Janeiro. They are the guests of the Campbells, and will be welcomed by many friends in Mobile. Col. Broadnax was for many years a commission merchant in this city.