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Robert louis Dabney 2.jpg

Rev. Robert Louis Dabney 

Robert Louis Dabney was one of the most influential Presbyterian theologians of this day and an admirer of John C. Calhoun. He was an archetype of the 19th-century liberal, a God-fearing man, an ardent advocate of small government and self-rule, and a believer in a market and a polity defined by individual liberty. He was also a descendant of Cornelius Dabney of Virginia and a cousin of George Rockingham Gilmer, in short, a scan of the Virginia and Broad River families. Dabney harbored a profound and deeply antagonistic distrust of Yankees in the antebellum era and beyond. A major during the Civil War, he served as General Stonewall Jackson’s Chief of Staff. Another Broad River scion and possible kinsman, Major Robert Meriwether, was also attached to Jackson's outfit and later was a South Carolina advance aged to Brazil. The two men were friends and stayed in contact for many years after the latter’s permanent removal to São Paulo province. Though Dabney seriously considered leaving the United States after the war, he did not. Instead, he moved to Austin, Texas, in the late 1800s and with Reverend Richmond Kelly Smoot laid the groundwork for founding the Austin School of Theology, (later the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary,) Dabney’s ruminations on immigrating are revealing.

Dabney ultimately decided not to migrate to Brazil, he did not lose interest in that country. He maintained contact with Edward Lane who once forwarded a letter from Robert Meriwether that gave an account of his farming experiences in the Santa Barbara area where he recorded crop yields about four times those of similar acreage he had farmed in South Carolina and Georgia. Meriwether was heavily indebted at war’s end, later moved from Santa Barbara to Botucatu( Sao Paulo province where he bought land and slaves, cultivated a hundred thousand coffee trees, built a sawmill, and founded a Presbyterian Church. As late as 1872, Dabney was still wrestling with “the subject of suitable occupation for our farming people, to make their efforts more remunerative” and was considering “Cuban seed leaf tobacco”. Some Confederated around Santa Barbara was already raising that crop. Their homemade cigars were popular in Rio and enjoyed by Emperor Dom Pedro II. Dabney’s ongoing interest in Brazil is also reflected in his nephew, John Watkins Daphne, who became a missionary there in the mid-1880s. By then, his uncle was in Austin working toward founding a new seminary. John's middle name of Watkins, (his mother's maiden name,) is another Broad River surname.

SOURCE:  A Confluence of Transatlantic Network   Pages 182-187

See also Simonton and Blackford

See Dabney family page

Kennie Daguerre Norris  married Bletz      Buried at Campo Cemetery


James J.

From Alabama to Para.  Part of the Hastings group, sailing on the Margaret from Mobile in 1866

in process

See James J. Daniel family page



William James

William James Daniel.jpg

The Times-Argus, 20 Oct. 1869, Wed.  Page 1 
Mr. James Daniels of Monroe County, Alabama, came to Brazil in 1866.  He located on his present farm in the December following.  His fazenda contains many acres, about one-third of which is the very best terrs rocha, the balance being red and white lands.  The original tract contained 1,900 acres and was purchased by Mr. Danielks and Mr. H. Hall, for which they paid $8,000, including a large and very good dwelling house and ordinary outhouses, 7 negroes, 20 head of cattle, and 50 hogs.  Also, the standing crop realized about 2,500 bushels of corn, 15 bushels of rice, and 170 sacks of cotton, of 112 pounds to the sack.  These lands will produce 59 bushels of rice to the acre, the usual amount of corn, and 500 pounds of lint cotton.  Mr. Daniels bought out Mr. Hall and has made quite extensive improvements on his fazenda.  He has fine water power and a very good gin house, with an overshot wheel of upwards of thirty feet diameter.  His farm is well stocked, with large pastures and plenty of excellent water.  His present crop of cotton was 16 acres, yielding a bale of 500 pounds lint to the acre.  (When we use the term bale, we mean 5oo pounds of lint cotton).  Mr. Daniels and his family are well pleased and contented with the country and are living in the enjoyment of peace and plenty.  He expects to plant about the same in corn and a few acres of rice....

The Monroe Journal (Monroeville, Alabama) 26 Feb. 1870, Sat  Page 3
The Mobile Register of the 23d has a letter from Brazil, which mentions a number of Americans in that vicinity, among them we are happy to notice the following names from Alabama:  Dr. J.H. Crisp, Mr. Waddell, Mr. James Daniels, of Monroe County; Mr. Wm. Barr, Col. W.H. Norris, Dr. G.G. Matthews, Col. R. Broadnax, Col. J.A. Cole, Mr. E.S. Trigg, Mr. Maston.

See Daniel family page



Charles davis Daniel.jpg

Charles  Davis  Daniel was born on  March 17,  1856, in  Ft.  Claiborne.  Monroe  County,  Alabama.   On November 11, 1885, he married Lena Anne Kirk,  born in Gay Hill,  Washington County,  Texas on  July 22, 1865, in  Waco, Texas.  He died on September 12, 1929, in Waco, Mclennan  County. Texas as did his wife,  who died on  March  17, 1944. Lena was the daughter of James Leonard Kirk and Emily O. Goodlett.

Charles D. Daniel and his wife were appointed as missionaries of FMB-SBC, on  May 14, 1885, to Brazil.  Here, they worked until  1892, returning to the USA.

C. D. Daniel's parents were  Joseph Stephens Daniel and Anne Hazel -tine Harrison.  Daniel,  along with  Camilla and  Drucilla tried to emigrate from the USA  to  Para,  after the Civil War, with the agent, Major · Lansford Warren Hastings. The steamship named 'Margaret”  that took them, with other passengers had to return to the port of Mobile, shortly after their departure on 25.03.1866, for having manifested smallpox on board. Eleven passengers died. (EJiJ. The. Confederate Exodus to Latin America, by L. F. Hill, p. 33. The rare specimen at the National Library, Rio de Janeiro). On July 31, 1866, there was the entry into Rio de Janeiro of a "J. Daniel his brother, a son, 2 sisters and a brother-in-law", from New York. Ha 'o register? leaving Rio de Janeiro for Santos, on 07.11.1866, of a "J. Daniel and his family". This information was found in the passenger lists published in the city's daily newspapers. In Santa Barbara, SP, there are three records of Purchase and Sale of a site, according to Book 12, p. 29 and 46; Book 15, p. 37 et seq. On December 11, 1866, Joseph Daniel buys it and on October 8, 1874, sells it, by demand. At the time of this sale, he and his family were already returning to the USA, as the date of the (Title) search was October 1, 1872, in which it is said that he was temporarily withdrawing to the USA. . However, his name was not on passenger lists leaving Rio de Janeiro. It is assumed that he and his family left the port of Santos directly for America, passing through Rio on October 26 or 27, 1872, as passengers in transit.

See Charles Davis Daniel Page



Hercule Pierre

Hercule Dansereau.jpg

Hercules Dansereau was born in the province of Quebec, May 2, 1832, the son of Joseph Dansereau, merchant, born at Vercheres, Canada, in 1797, died 1888; his wife, Rosalie (Chagnon) Dansereau, also a native of Vercheres (1800), died at Vercheres in 1875.  After receiving his primary and grammar school education at home, the subject of this sketch entered Montreal college, where he remained 7 years.  Next he studied for three years in the College of Physicians & Surgeons, of Montreal, now Laval university, and then, for one year, studied in the College of Medicine, Albany, N. Y., graduating in 1853.  During the latter year, Dr. Dansereau came to New Orleans, followed the clinics and lectures at the  Charity hospital for a few months, and went to the town of Pointe-a-la-Hache, in the parish of Plaquemines, where he practiced medicine until 1858 when he moved to Thibodaux.  The town was then in its infancy, in the midst of a sparsely-settled region, and surrounded by woods.  On account of the limited population of Thibodaux, the doctor extended his practice to all parts of the surrounding country, sometimes traveling many miles in fair and in bad weather to hasten to the relief of his fellow-citizens. 


Dansereau believed that such individuals would fail in Brazil because they would never find what they sought, "the recovery of their fortune with all its gratifications Determination was the necessary attitude in order to succeed (and pecuniary assets were of considerable help).

A "sugar man" from New Orleans, unidentified by Mr. Dansereau, had constructed a refining factory using a "sulfuerls" process, about which he had consulted George Lanauxo Although the sugar manufactured was of fine quality, it did not appeal to the Brazilians. Despite this temporary failure, the "sugar man" had purchased a fazienda* on the Machahe River there, at the time of Dansereau's letter, he was full of hope and "confident of success His hopes encouraged Mr. Dansereau.

He mentioned that a steamer, the Guerriere, transported duped Americans back to the United States a few days previous to the writing of his letter. He said that he had seen so many people disappointed that he could no longer encourage anyone to move to Brazil, but for himself, he was satisfied. Dansereau felt that general conditions in Brazil were more favorable for his family than they would have been In Louisiana.

See Dansereau family page

 No further information yet,   
 No further information yet,   
 Settled in Santaren, No further information yet,   Source LOP



David Davis signed a Communiqué made by PIB / SB, sent to FMB, with a letter dated November 1, 1873. This fact put him on the list of members of the Church.  A portrait of a Davis family is published in the book SD, p. 114. and consists of the couple, a young man of about 15 years old and a girl of  7 years old. 

In the diary of the young Jeru Keyes, p. 252, there is a  reference to a Davis who, together with a Mcintyre, left the colony of Charles G. Gunter, in Rio Doce, ES, and went to Santa Barbara, SP, in 1868. We can risk saying that it was David Davis, but without proof.

On August 11, 1875, the Deed of Purchase and Sale, which is registered in Note Book No. 17, p. 48v, in the Notary's Office, in Santa Barbara, SP, it shows that David Davis and his wife Adeth Davis had acquired from William H. Norris, a site called "Cinco Patentes", dividing with the property of this and Brazilians, in the term Campinas, with an address and some improvements. This property was probably part of the Fazenda Machadinho.

Loosely translated from the original Portuguese


Uma  Contribuiao  para  a  Hist6ria dos Prim6rdios do Trabalho Batista no Brasil    1985

Betty  Antunes  de Oliveira

No further information yet.



James was a forty-year-old bachelor from Texas and was part of the "NewTexas" group under McMullen.  He is listed on the November 1867 census of the colony as sharing a home with Mr.  C. A. Crawley, another bachelor.
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DEMARET,   Family




Martin Felix Demaret and his family never officially joined the McMullen colony even though made Mrs. Demaret and the children had sailed to Brazil on the same ship as the colonists all the way from Galveston. Demaret, a former resident of Louisiana, lived in Grimes County, Texas, for eleven years prior to his first trip to Brazil in 1866.  He traveled all over the empire from the Amazon river to São Paulo province and finally selected land near Santa Barbara, northwest of the city of São Paulo. Convinced that he had made the correct decision in going to Brazil, Demaret proclaimed that he was now engaged in "selecting the best from the best". Demaret, his wife, and his children remained in Rio de Janeiro when the time came for their Texas friends to board the ship for Iguape. George Barnsley had high praise for Demaret, describing him as a "fine gentleman, of the old, courteous, gallant type, and his family well educated and thoroughly refined in manner, which later merits were very much at discount among most of our American immigrants of that epoch."

SOURCE: The Elusive Eden,  Page 88

American Civil War veteran, fought for the Confederacy. Private, Co. C, 5th Texas Infantry. He fought in the battles of Seven Pines, Cold Harbor, Gettysburg, Chickamauga and Petersburg. He moved to Brazil and was alive in 1913, aged 73.

See Demaret family page


W. J.

Return to Alabama – Dissatisfied Emigrants to Brazil

August 10, 1867

There arrived at the Central Hotel last night a party of ladies and gentlemen who left Brazil last month, thoroughly, totally, heartily disgusted with their new homes among the hybrid masses in the overrated, well-flattered country of Brazil.  The party is composed entirely of Alabamians, among whom are MESSRS. JOHN. HARRIS, W. J. DeBERRY, G. E. JONES, THOMAS McCANTS, T. A. McELROY, JOHN STANFIELD, D. W. BRAZIELL, and eighteen other gentlemen and their wives and children. They give affecting and pitiful accounts of the sufferings of many hundreds of deluded Southerners who were lured away from their friends by the tempting offers of the Brazilian Government, and the tales of wild and impulsive American adventurers.


They represent that there is no regularly organized Government in Brazil–there is no society–but little cultivation among the inhabitants–no laudable ambition–no ways of making money–the people scarcely know the meaning of the word “kindness”– the American citizens live about in huts, uncared for–there is general dissatisfaction among the emigrants, and the whole Brazil representation is a humbug and a farce. The American Consul is in receipt of numerous and constant applications from helpless American citizens to assist them in getting back to their true, rightful country. CAPT. JACK PHELAN, who is so well known and admired in Montgomery, has, we learn, left with a large number of other young men, to make California their home.  The advice of the gentlemen with whom we conversed is to dissipate the idea that Alabama is not still a great country – to cause dreaming over the unhappy past–say nothing that will assist to keep up political troubles, stay at home, but work, work, work, and Alabama will yet be, what she ought to be, and can be, a great and glorious country.

The long-deferred abolition of slavery in Brazil is to be hastened. A recent law releases all slaves after two years, and they are to receive wages during this period.  Brazil is the last country laying claim to civilization that still maintains slavery.  It is not sixty years since slavery was abolished in the British colonies, and less than half that time since this country rid itself of the evil.


New York Times, Aug. 15, 1867

Reprinted in the The South Alabamian, Jackson, Alabama, October 1, 1887


From Florida
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Dr. Thomas DeYampert of Marengo County, Alabama brother in law of Willam A. Gunter; 
Dr. Thomas Jefferson Lafayette De Yambert was born on Nov. 2, 1833, in Alabama, USA.  He was the son of Dr. Thomas Jefferson Lafayette Be Yambert Sr.  His grandparents were French Huguenots from the southern part of France.
On  08 Jan 1861 in  Marengo County, Alabama, he married Elizabeth "Eliza" Rosalie Poelnitz, the daughter of General Charles Augustus Poelnitz and Mary Lucilla Peay.  The Poelnitz family were of Swiss extraction having immigrated to South Carolina.

Thomas Jefferson Lafayette deYampert (2 Nov 1833 - 25 Dec 1867) was the son of Thomas Jefferson deYampert and Aurelia Hale.

It's believed that Thomas deYampert may have perished at sea while returning from Brazil to Alabama, on 25 Dec 1867.  Jennie R Keyes, one of the many Confederate women who went down to Brazil noted in her diary that on 3 Oct 1867, Dr. deYampert, Tom Gunter, and Maj. Stores dropped by for a visit at her home at Lake Juparana, in Espirito Santo Province, Brazil, after traveling from nearby Linhares, Brazil. She further notes on an entry dated 6 Dec 1868 that "Dr. deYampert went back [sometime earlier to Alabama] and died" 

See De Yambert family page


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"O'Reilly, a young Irishman whose first name has not been found in any accounts of the colony, joined the McMullan party in New York City. He was looking for adventure, and, after arrival in Rio de Janeiro, he and another young man named Dillard joined the Brazilian army to fight against Paraguay in order to collect the bonus offered by the government. At the front, however, both men deserted and joined the Paraguayans to collect another bonus. They were later captured by the Brazilians, court-martialed, and shot."  Source Griggs Thesis

Listed as a passenger on The North America  1867 From New York to Rio de Janeiro

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Arthur Sevenson

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Henry Hill Dodson immigrated from South Carolins, USA.  Married  with Seawright and Keese families. 

Charles Dodson, Husband of Bertie Seawright, went to South America with a group of the Seawrights. When he got there he found that the climate was so much like South Carolina that he sent back home for cotton seeds. He became the first person to introduce cotton to Brazil.

See Dodson family page


Emperor of Brazil

Dom Pedro II (English: Peter II; 2 December 1825 – 5 December 1891), nicknamed "the Magnanimous", was the second and last ruler of the Empire of Brazil, reigning for over 58 years.[A] Born in Rio de Janeiro, he was the seventh child of Emperor Dom Pedro I of Brazil and Empress Dona Maria Leopoldina and thus a member of the Brazilian branch of the House of Braganza. His father's abrupt abdication and departure to Europe in 1831 left a five-year-old Pedro II as Emperor and led to a grim and lonely childhood and adolescence. Obliged to spend his time studying in preparation for rule, he knew only brief moments of happiness and encountered few friends of his age. His experiences with court intrigues and political disputes during this period greatly affected his later character; he grew into a man with a strong sense of duty and devotion toward his country and his people, yet increasingly resentful of his role as monarch.

power in the international arena. The nation grew to be distinguished from its Hispanic neighbors on account of its political stability, zealously guarded freedom of speech, respect for civil rights, vibrant economic growth, and especially for its form of government: a functional, representative parliamentary monarchy. Brazil was also victorious in three international conflicts (the Platine War, the Uruguayan War, and the Paraguayan War) under his rule, as well as prevailing in several other international disputes and domestic tensions. Pedro II steadfastly pushed through the abolition of slavery despite opposition from powerful political and economic interests. A savant in his own right, the Emperor established a reputation as a vigorous sponsor of learning, culture, and the sciences. He won the respect and admiration of scholars such as Charles DarwinVictor Hugo, and Friedrich Nietzsche, and was a friend to Richard WagnerLouis Pasteur, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, among others.

Although there was no desire for a change in the form of government among most Brazilians, the Emperor was overthrown in a sudden coup d'état that had almost no support outside a clique of military leaders who desired a form of a republic headed by a dictator. Pedro II had become weary of emperorship and despaired over the monarchy's future prospects, despite its overwhelming popular support. He did not allow his ouster to be opposed and did not support any attempt to restore the monarchy. He spent the last two years of his life in exile in Europe, living alone on very little money.

See Dom Pedro II family page




Dietmar and Anna Catharina Siebert Damm immigrated from the village of Nieder-Vellmar in Hessen-Kassel, in what is now known simply as Germany. They left Bremen aboard the Friedrich on 13 August 1846 and arrived at Galveston on 24 October. With them were their five children Anna Gertrude, Johann, Adam, Gertrude Anna, and Christofer.

John Damm, or Domm, his wife Augusta Bohne Damm and their daughter Helen Paulina, and John's brother Frank left Texas for Brazil in 1868.

The Damms settled near Santa Barbara, and their home was a popular gathering place for their fellow immigrants. They had "a great orchard and very well-maintained garden. It had many leafy arbors with swings and seesaws in the shade. It was a favorite place for the Americans to have picnics, being centrally located between the main American settlements. Like many other southerners, John was a member of the Freemasons in Santa Barbara.

"Other work for rainy days was to prepare implements.  The blacksmiths had to impro-vise,  heating the points of the plows until they were red hot and then beating them at the edges until they were suitably sharp.  These chores could be done at home.  For bigger jobs such as the construction of plows, etc., there were the brothers Domm, Frank, and John, who had established themselves in the village with a well-equipped blacksmith shop." The Damms were "very good blacksmiths", according to Mrs.

Jones in Soldado Descansa.

See Domm family page


Samuel Lunn

SAMUEL LUNN DOUGHERTY (DOHERTY) was born on June 23, 1832, in West Feliciana, Louisiana, USA and died on April 24, 1916, in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Province, Brazil.  On May 9, 1853, in Iberville, Louisiana, USA, he married Minerva Ann Hornsby.

He supposedly relocated to the Americana area about 1867.


NameS. L. Doherty


Regiment State/OriginLouisiana

Regiment2nd Regiment, Louisiana Cavalry

Company I

Rank InPrivate

Rank OutPrivate

Alternate Name  S. L./Dougherty

Film NumberM378 roll 8

See Dougherty family page


William, H.

William H. Dowds (Sometimes spelled Douds) was a carpenter by trade and lived in Mobile. Alabama.  He was married and had two children.  His wife was Elizabeth Wright.  He was born in Kentucky in 1836.  William married Elizabeth on September 30, 1859, in Mobile.  His first child was Laura Lydia Dowds, born in 1866, and a son. William Henry Dowds Jr., born about 1867.  

William and his family decided to make the move to Brazil and signed up with the group led by Lansford W. Hastings.  Major Hastings had worked out with the Brazilian government for a colony to be set up at Santarem on the Amazon River - about halfway between Belem to the east and Manaus to the west.  The group set sail on the "Margaret" in July of 1867.  To their disappointment, many of the representations made to the colonists did not pan out and the Dowds family was put in a precarious situation.  Shortly after their arrival, Elizabeth died on May 1, 1868, in Para, leaving William with the young children.  He was for a long time out of employment and finally landed a job with Admiral Tucker of the Brazilian navy who was conducting an expedition up the Amazon.  When William left Para, where he had been living, he was indebted to the innkeeper of an Italian boarding house for a considerable amount of money for his board, and being unable to pay, he hired his two children out for servants to the Italian.  Dowds accompanied the expedition as far as Aqitas, a Peruvian military post on the Amazon, where he died September 16, 1876 in Iquitos, Loreto, Peru while in prison, where he was sent for killing a soldier. 


In the meantime, the children had been taken away from the Italian by an American surgeon who was connected with the Brazilian army, on account of their having received very cruel treatment.  The doctor kept the children for some time when he found a suitable home for them, and a gentleman who would make his home in Rochester, New York, took the girl.  A few months later, the gentleman returned to New York taking the girl with him.  The girl, Laura, would be baptized in Rochester on April 16, 1881.  No information on the William Henry Dowds Jr. who had remained in Brazil.

See Dowds family page


Albert James

Albert was a Captain and married the daughter of Charles G. Gunter, Anna.  He was the son of Benjamin Franklin Dozier and Rebecca Spann.  He was born in South Carolina and died in Madison, Madison County, Florida, USA.  He was a farmer and lived in Madison County, Florida.  His wife, Anna died in 1895 and was buried in Montgomery, Alabama, USA.   No further information

See Dozier family page


George W. Carlton

William Carlton



No information found on this family except a marriage record showing the marriage of Georgina to Antonio Bowen, the son of Confederado William R. Bowen.  It is assumed that the Drains lived in Santa Barbara d'Oeste. 


See Drane family page

See Drane family page
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Theodore Bailey   

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John Rogers

John was the son of David Dumas and Elizabeth Norman.  He was born in Winston County, Mississippi in 1837  and died in 1886 at Santa Barbara d'Oeste, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Helen King Garner, Thomas Garner's niece,  was born on January 3, 1839, in Madison, Alabama, her father, Daniel H. Garner was 32, and her mother, Catherine Wills Drinkwater, was 20. She married John Rogers Dumas on December 18, 1866, and almost immediately left for Brazil, probably with her Uncle's family.   They had at least six children during their marriage. and left many descendants in Brazil. She died in 1915 in Cândido Rodrigues, Sao Paulo, Brazil, having lived a long life of 76 years.

See Dumas family page


Ballard Smith

On October 28, the Rev. Ballard Smith done arrived in Rio de Janeiro on the Adelaide Pendergast from New York to search for lands for southern colonies. Dunn, the rector of St. Phillips Church of New Orleans from 1859 to 1861, served as chaplain and ordnance officer in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He determined to immigrate to Brazil after a long and painful argument with church leaders of church protocol, provoked by disagreement concerning the ownership and placements of a baptismal font. After a series of written exchanges between Dunn in the Rev. Alexander Greg, Bishop of Texas, Dunn found his character somewhat impeached, even in his native Louisiana.
On June 30, 1866, Dunn concluded a favorable agreement with the director of public lands, Bernardo Augosto Nacente Azambuj, which provided for land at forty-three and one-half cents per acre. Emigrants were to be able to purchase as much property they wanted; however, Dunn was to be responsible for all payments to the government, with full title being granted after the debts were paid. Colonists were to be allowed to bring in all implements of agriculture, manufacturers, machines, and utensils for their own use, with no import duties, and the government was to provide provisional housing to emigrants upon arrival. The Brazilian government also agreed to furnish the transportation costs, pay for one ship for every two provided by Dunn. Finally, the agreement allows Dunn's colonists to disembark directly at Iguape--- at the head of the Ribeira de Iguape instead of going through Rio de Janeiro.
See Dunn family page.


Joseph Wood

Rev. Joseph Wood Duun was the older brother of immigration colony leader Rev. Ballard Smith Dunn.  He was born in Ohio to Simeon Dunn and Hannah Wood in 1822.  He attended Marietta College in Marietta, Ohio from about 1847 to 1850-1851.  He married Elizabeth Kemble Vinton on December 8, 1851.  She was the daughter of Thomas Vinton and Elizabeth Kemble Oliver and also a student at Marietta College.

After their marriage, the couple relocated to Chapel, Texas, USA where he engaged in teaching.  Shortly thereafter he professed his faith and was ordained in the Protestant Episcopal church.  He was very successful and was responsible for the startup of several new churches.  


During this tie period, he and Elizabeth would have two children, a girl, possibly named Connie, born about 1852, they then a son,  named Freman - born in 1854.  In 1869, the family of four sailed to Brazil. 

For the rest of the story

See the Joseph Wood Dunn family page




Dr. Dunn (given name not determined) was part of the Gunter colony at Rio Doce.  He lived near the John W. Keyes family.  He does not appear to have a family as he lived alone with only an Indian (American) servant.  No known relation to Ballard Dunn .
No further information yet.



James Harrison Dyer was born in 1821.  His Father and family relocated from Georgia to Texas.  James had married Amanda Webb back in Georgia.  He drove the first herd of cattle from Texas to the city of Chicago in the 1850s.
In 1866, Jame's nephew, Frank McMullen, began organizing a colony to settle in Brazil.  This would become the "New Texas" colony.  Frank was the son of his sister, Nancy, who had married Hugh Milton McMullen also back in Georgia.  Their oldest son was Francis (Frank).  Nancy, being a widow by the time of the Brazilian expedition would also make the journey.
James was one of the most influential members of the group that left Texas.  Once in Brazil, his wife Amanda died in 1869.  Sometime before 1871, James, his two sons, and his son-in-law's families all returned back to Hill County, Texas.
James married for a second time to Eva Virginia Pierce and they would have one son, Sledge.
See Dyer family page


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Confederado Bluford Nettle's daughter, Mary developed into a charming young woman.  More than one young Englishman wooed her.  The successful suitor was young Nevill Edenborough from London.  His best friend was Frederico Mercer, who specialized in photography at Curtyba, the capital city of the province of Parana.  Mercer made a number of pictures of Mary, one of which is still in possession of the Nettles family. 

Neville's father was Henry Edenborough, the fifth child of Samuel & Sarah Edenborough (née Bolton) was born on 14 May 1812 at Bruce Grove, Tottenham, Middlesex. At the age of 15 he was employed by the Honourable East India Company in the Mercantile Marine Branch as a midshipman, per Lord Lowther (1827-28), and Abercrombie Robinson (1829-30). 

By late 1833, Henry had left the employ of the HEIC and had made at least one voyage to Sydney as captain of the schooner Emma. Then in 1834, he took up the position of master of a newly-built 380-ton barque part-owned by his father Samuel.  This first voyage as the newly installed master of the Augusta Jessie was to Tasmania, arriving 22 Jan 1835 with a cargo of 210 male convicts.

Several more voyages to Australia followed before Henry married Margaret Stedman in London in 1836. They eventually traveled to Australia, onboard the Elphinstone in 1840, to take up residence at Wollogorang in the Goulburn district of New South Wales. It is believed that the impressive homestead that still stands today was built by Henry in 1846. 

The first of Henry and Margaret’s six children, Henry Bolton, was baptized in Sydney shortly after his parent's arrival in the colony in 1840; the remaining five children though – Charles Allen (1842), Bishop Reynold (1843), Margaret Annie (1845), Edith Jane (1846) and Spencer Neville (1848) – were all born at Wollogorang.  (Neville would marry Mary Nettles, Bluford's daughter in Brazil).In 1875, the Edenborough family would return to the United States and settle back in Texas.

See Nettles family page


Mary Elizabeth

Sarah Rebecca

Immigrated from Mississippi and settled in the Rio Doce colony 
Granddaughter of Henry Strong married Robert Dickson McIntyre
Granddaughter of Henry Strong married Francis Marion Bankston

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 Immigrated from Arkansas, 
1st Arkansas Brigade, on drums.
Joseph E. Whitaker: 2nd Lieutenant and 1st Lieutenant, A and L Company, 24th Mississippi Infantry. Fought in the Battles of Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga and Franklin in Walthall's Brigade. Was lightly wounded in Franklin. he also participated in the Battle of Bentonville, South Carolina, and was promoted during the last days of the war to 1st Lieutenant of Company L of the 24th Mississippi Infantry. Surrendered in Greensboro, North Carolina in April 1865. He moved to Brazil and was alive in 1917, at age 81.

No further information yet


William Curtis

Rev. William Emerson was born in South Carolina on October 15, 1818. He was pastor in Meridian,  Mississippi, where he had a large farm, and moderator of the Presbytery of East of Mississippi in 1866. He was a man of rare literary ability, a preacher eloquent and dedicated Christian. With his enthusiastic and enterprising spirit, next he sold his property for ten thousand dollars and came to Brazil. When we arrived, was proposed that he publish a newspaper in English giving news of the immigrants, as well as information and guidance for the new settlers who came. Minister Paula Souza said that would help him for a while, but that the ten thousand dollars had to be business.

The Emigration Reporter newspaper has been published for about a year but has not 
any profit. To make matters worse, the aforementioned government minister was replaced by another who did not have the same ideas and did not respect the contract made by his predecessor. After Settling the business, Emerson had enough money to take the family to Santa Barbara, where she bought a small plot of land that he himself tried to cultivate. Eventually, this pastor adopted Brazilian nationality.

See Emerson Family page


Franklin Houston

Frank Emerson of Meridian, Mississippi was the adult son of Rev. William C. Emerson and was married to Hattie Wiggins, the daughter of Confederado Richard Wiggins.  They were married just prior to leaving for Brazil in 1868 with his father and family.  He was disappointed in Brazil and he and his family returned to the United States after securing the funds to do so in October of 1869

See Franklin Houston Emerson family page
 No further information yet


Dr. C. P.

 Immigrated from Alabama.  Not much information.
See Ezzell family page
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