The Father - Johnson Vaughan
JOHNSON VAUGHAN. Johnson Vaughan was born Feb. 4, 1782. The following brief biographical sketch is from a gentleman who knew him intimately from 1836 till his death, April 6, 1871. He says he found him to be a man of strong constitution and vigorous and intelligent mind. He was by trade a brick-mason, and built the first brick house erected in Nashville. His honesty in the performance of his contracts brought him plenty of work, and he was enabled to accumulate considerable wealth, possessing the rare accomplishment of knowing how to take care of it. He invested it in lands and Negroes principally, finally abandoning his trade and becoming a most successful farmer, making money and buying land in both Davidson and Williamson Counties. When he started in Tennessee his entire stock in trade consisted of an old gray mare and a trowel, yet we hesitate not to say that had it not been for the war, in which he lost heavily, he would have been one of the richest men in Davidson County; notwithstanding, when he died, lie left all his children, twenty in number, in independent circumstances. Johnson Vaughan was a strictly honest and most punctual man, and nearly a lifelong member of the Church of Christ. He was hospitable almost to a fault, and his success in life was mainly attributable to his strict honesty.
Source: Pioneers Of Davidson County, Tennessee
Away back in the year 1807 a lone rider on an old gray mare carrying his elonging, consisting of the clothes on his back and a set of brick mason's tools, rode into Nashville, and laid the first stone of
Nashville's first brick home.
Today the hundreds of ancestors of Johnson Vaughan met in the first reunion in his honor with a basket picnic spread on the grounds at Glendale Park. Those ancestors came from all over Middle Tennessee,
chiefly from the counties of Davidson, Williamson, Maury, Wilson and Rutherford counties.
Nearly 200 grandchildren and even great great great grandchildren will be present at the historic gathering, which will really be another chapter that might well be added to the history of the county of
The only living children of Johnson Vaughan are Mrs. Fannie J. Compton, wife of Dr. William Compton, prominent Nashville doctor, and John W. Vaughan of Vaughan's Gap, TN, a prominent planter.
Sergeant J. I. Marshall, head of the traffic squad of the Nashville police force, a grandson of Johnson Vaughan, planned the reunion. Johnson Vaughan was a native of Virginia, born February 4, 1782. His
father died when the boy was 14, and left a widow and the son with no means of support. Authorities there took charge of the boy, and for seven years taught him the brick mason's trade, giving to him his
clothes and food. After this period, when the young man was 21, he emigrated into Kentucky on horseback. Then, four years later, he came to Nashville on horseback to make his home.
This Cumberland River settlement was little more than a woods at the ime. Many of original log cabins built at the settlement of James Robertson were still standing, and no brick houses at all had been built
here. At a point on what is now Fifth Avenue, then a mere home, Johnson Vaughan baked bricks and built the first brick house ever in Davidson county. It was a very fine residence for the time, and later became the mansion of Samuel D. Morgan, a wealthy settler.
Mr. Vaughan was three times married and had twenty children. Ancestors of these children are the ones who will meet in reunion today.
In 1910 Johnson Vaughan was married to Miss Nancy Lowe, and they settled at Vaughan's Gap, in Davidson County. To them was born two children. One died in infancy, while the other, James H. Vaughan, married into well-known Oldham family, and settled in Williamson County. As a result
of this union many natives of that county will be present at the reunion today.
Johnson Vaughan's first wife died soon after the birth of their second child, and he was then married to her sister, Miss Elizabeth Lowe, in 1815. Several children resulted from this union. One was Sarah married to Thomas H. Allison of Davidson County. Isaac L. married Miss Susie Bateman of Franklin, Williamson County. Elizabeth was wedded to Thomas H. Herrin of Henry County. Jane became the wife of W. J. Burton of South Harper, TN. Johnson, Jr., died at the age of 22 years. Amanda married Alfred Scott of Cheatham County. William died at the age of 14. Margaret married James B. Horn, for whose ancestors the settlement of Horn Springs, TN, is named. Others died in infancy. Then Johnson
Vaughan's second wife died in 1834.
And then, in 1836, Johnson Vaughan married for the third time, this time to Mrs. Eliza Berry of Nashville. To them five children were born. Annis was wedded to Thomas F. Benjamin of Rutherford County, and Martha became the wife of R. W. Bond of Williamson County. Sarah was wedded to
R. P. McCutcheon, also of Williamson, John W. married Miss Maggie Murray, the daughter of one of the most prominent and historic families of Williamson County. Fannie J. Married Dr. William Compton. One of the best known physicians of recent years in Nashville.
Of all the children of Johnson Vaugh(a)n, only the last two are still living. John W. Vaughan was in Nashville from Vaughan's Gap yesterday, making preparations for the historic reunion.
John B. Murray, the oldest and one of the most highly respected citizens of Williamson County is the father of Mrs. John W. Vaughan. Uncle John B. Murray has recently passed his ninety-eighth birthday. And although feeble in his declining years hopes to pass the century mark. Because of his feebleness, he is not expected to attend the reunion today.
Mrs. William Compton now resides at 120 Park Circle, this city.
Sergeant Marshall, who is a grandson of Johnson Vaughan, was the son of Betty Vaughan and W. G. Marshall, who married in Davidson County. Betty Vaughan was the daughter of Isaac L. Vaughan and Susie Bateman. Sergeant Marshall himself is a grandfather.
Johnson Vaughan would have been one of the wealthiest men in Dixie had not the Civil War wiped away a fortune in slaves. As it was, however, he left all of his children practically independent owners of much land in Williamson and Davidson Counties.
Johnson Vaugh(a)n was a staunch Democrat in politics, and an ardent political worker against the Whig Party. Several of his descendants were soldiers on the Southern side in the Civil war, and left behind
them records long to be the pride of coming generations.
The noble old character passed to another world, leaving behind him a record unblemished, on April 6, 1871.
A great grandson, R. B. Vaughan of Cleveland, Ohio, is in town to attend the reunion.
As the descendants entered into the festival grounds today, each was required to register his name on a registry blotter, in order that the many relatives may be known.
Johnson Vaughan

James Vaughan & Elizabeth Wilson Brett Vaughan and 12 children were members of the group led by Major Lansford Warren Hastings that settled near Santarém on the Amazon in 1867.They were experienced agricultarists and developed sugar plantations in particular - later the family was involved in the building of steam boats.They lived initially at Diamantino (where they had a water-powered sugar mill, then Mararu and subsequently owned property at Piquiatuba.At this latter they had a steam-powered mill for the production of sugar and the cane-spirit cachaça.
The couple James Vaughan-Elizabeth Britt Jennings Wilson Vaughan, with their 12 children, came to Brazil making part of the group Hastings. They were originally from Silver Springs, Lebanon Pike, TN.
As well as their own children, they brought Elizabeth's four sons from her previous marriage to (Clement?) Jennings: William, George, Diogo and Afonso
Mr. Vaughan was a farmer in his homeland. In Santarem, he, his step-children, and children dedicated themselves, as did others, first to agriculture in general, after that to planting sugar cane. After that to raising cattle, and a few years later the family initiated an industry of building steam boats. Mr. Vaughan was a mason. (the house that belonged to my aunt Lillian Vaughan/Pitts Franklin was sold and it is a Mason Temple in Santarem).
Before coming to Brazil Mrs. Vaughan had a dream, where she saw herself living in a primitive house, covered by some material that was unknown to her. When the family arrived at the place where they were going to reside, and when she saw the house covered with straw (palha) where she was going to call home, the poor woman started to cry, saying:
"This was the house in my dreams!"
In the trip to Brazil, Mrs. Vaughan was wearing a belt containing sterling silver in gold. This was all the family had to start a new life in a strange land. However, when the boat (Red Gauntlet) stopped at the island of St. Thomas, like other families, they were asked to lend money to the captain of the ship. They were never reimbursed. (This happened to all of the families, it seems like there were some dishonest people in charge of these trips).
In Santarem, the Vaughan family settled in Diamantino, after they had lived in temporary quarters provided by the government. After, they moved to Mararu, and a few years later they acquired property in Piquiatuba. (I was in James Vaughan farm when I went to Santarem, the farm is a few miles from Santarem).
The pioneer Mr. Vaughan installed in Diamantino (engenho) a wheel moved by water, and he built a log house covered by straw.
Many years later, the Vaughan family, in their property at Piquiatuba, built a steam wheel to process rum and built a saw mill.
Besides his children with Mrs. Vaughan, Mr. Vaughan brought to Brazil his step children. Mrs. Vaughan was in her third nuptials with Mr. Vaughan. From her first husband she had no children (this must been John R. Wilson which was her 2nd husband) . The second husband by the name of Jennings (Clem Jennings Jr. II was her first husband) and with him she had the following children: Guilherme (William), Jorge (George Clem), Afonso (Fountain), and Diogo (James).
With Mr. Vaughan she had 10 children. The oldest that was named Johnson (Johnson was James' son by his first wife this is incorrect), stayed in the USA, where he later married and had children. His descendants live in this country. The 9 remaining children of the Vaughan couple were: Charles (was James' son by his first wife Mary Oldham), Felix (son of James' with first wife), Benjamin (son by first wife), Edward and Willis (were twins), Sallie (Sarah my great grandmother), Mattie (Martha Amelia), Clemencia (Clementine), and Hardieth. In Brazil, they adopted two english girls, Rebecca and Amy Grey, because the parents had died (parents were British, there were three British families that joined the american colony).
Mr. James Vaughan, the pioneer, died in Santarem July 11, 1879. Information from his descendants tell us that he was buried in his farm. ( I asked Mrs. Mendonca if she knew of any graves in her land or where the original Vaughan house was, but she did not know, she said that she would try to look for a grave in her land. The only place around the area where James Vaughan's farm is located that anyone was buried is at the Serra Piroca which has been cut into two by the Corps of Engineers. A Confederate Cemetery marked by a huge cross on top of this mountain used to exist, but at this time no one knows if the cemetery was destroyed when the mountain was cut in two so the airplanes could fly over without hitting the huge cross). His wife outlived him by 17 years. Eliza died at the age of 69 years old, March 9, 1896, and she was buried at the public cemetery of Santarem, at that time non-catholics were allowed to be buried at the local cemetery. (I visited the local cemetery and I did not find any of my Pitts or Vaughan descendants. I believe that she was probably buried at the same mountain, but I have no proof).
In the end, remained in Santarem more the Jennings name than the Vaughan name, even though the last ones were more in numbers in the beginning.Both left many descendants in Santarem. (the name Vaughan has been changed to be spelled Wanghon, I saw this at the cemetery in Santarem. The family is trying to fix this problem with the local authorities. If the brazilian government was trying to spell the name Vaughan to be written easier in portuguese it would be spelled Von).
Regarding the cemetery in Santarem. The confederates were buried in a mountain which is called Serra Piroca. It is called that because they say it is bald, it has hardly any vegetation. I believe it was part of James Vaughan's land in Santarem. Many years ago his farm was sold in auction to a Judge Mendonca. His widow and children still live in the land that used to belong to James. His son Benjamin lost the land, and it was auctioned. The Corps of Engineers in Santarem took some of the land from the Mendoncas and built a military complex. Later on the cross that marked the confederate cemetery was taken down because the government was worried that the airplanes might hit the huge cross while landing in Santarem. The Corps of Engineers also cut the mountain, not in half, but it is divided into two. One side is bigger than the other, and a "U" is visible marking the division of the mountain. The Confederados were not allowed to be buried in the local cemetery, because they were non-catholic. They were persecuted for not being catholic by the local church. So, they decided to make their own cemetery. I visited the local cemetery of Santarem and I can tell you that it is not a good place to be buried. I could not find any of my family members buried there. So, I think that they might have been buried in the same mountain - jungle. We don't know for sure if the confederate cemetery was destroyed by the Corps of Engineers, I was unable to find this information. I was disappointed because I went to see it, but I could not go up to check on the cemetery. I would have had to rent a helicopter or gone through thick jungle to get there. I was so close, I felt like I could touch it.
James Henry Vaughan
James H Vaughan
1860 United States Federal Census
Name:James H Vaughan
Birth Year: abt 1814
Birth Place:Tennessee
Home in 1860:District 2, Wilson, Tennessee
Post Office:Silver Springs
Dwelling Number:122
Family Number:114
Real Estate Value:8450
Personal Estate Value:6270
Household Members:
Name Age
D J Vaughan 20
Benj B Vaughan 11/12
Ed W Vaughan 11/12
James H Vaughan
1850 United States Federal Census
Name:James Vaughan
Birth Year: abt 1814
Home in 1850:District 2, Wilson, Tennessee, USA
Family Number:249
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary Vaughan 40
George Byram 16

Wilson County, Tennessee
1. Elizabeth Lowe Vaughan
Elizabeth Lowe Vaughan was born on January 7, 1835 in Wilson County, Tennessee and died on April 6, 1920 in the next door County of Davidson. She was the daughter of James H. Vaughan and his first wife, Mary Oldham. She married Etheldred Phillips Horn on October 31, 1854. He was born on April 28 1831 in Wilson County and died November 4, 1899 in the same county.
Darthula D. Vaughan
BIRTH 09 JUN 1836 • Wilson County, Tennessee
DEATH Unknown
Medorah Frances Vaughan
BIRTH 10 OCT 1837 • Tennessee, USA
William Allen McClain
BIRTH 26 DECEMBER 1833 • Tennessee, USA
DEATH 25 FEBRUARY 1909 • Wilson County, Tennessee
Dee Johnson Vaughan
BIRTH 16 APR 1838 • Wilson County, Tennesse
DEATH 28 MAR 1921 • Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee
Mary Elizabeth Vaughan
BIRTH 26 SEP 1840 • Tennessee, USA
DEATH Unknown
Richard Vaughan
BIRTH 26 SEP 1840 • Tennessee, USA
DEATH Unknown
James W. Vaughan
BIRTH 03 DEC 1844 • Wilson County, Tennessee
DEATH Unknown
Charles Henry Vaughan
BIRTH 22 JAN 1847 • Wilson County, Tennessee
DEATH 11 JUN 1933 • Whites Creek, Davidson
County, Tennessee
Leila Adalaide Riker
BIRTH 16 MAR 1856 • Charleston, Charleston,
South Carolina, USA
DEATH 15 DEC 1937 • Nashville, Davidson,
Charles, the oldest of the Vaughans that had gone
to Brazil, he married Lilla Riker, and the young
couple moved back to the USA. (Glenda told me
that he lived in Nashville, around Wilson County,
the original place of the James Vaughan family -
he was a farmer).
Nashville Banner, 12 June 1933, Monday, page 10
Charles Vaughan's Funeral Today
Aged Confederate veterans
Who Fought under Forest, Was Colonist to Brazil
Funeral services for Charles H. Vaughan, a Confederate veteran, who died Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at his home on Ewing Road in the Brick Church Road community, will be conducted this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Loves Methodist church, The “Old Brick Church.” The Reverend John Stewart and the Reverend A. M. Putnam will officiate. Burial will be in Spring Hill cemetery.
At his death, Mr. Vaughan was the sole survivor of the ill-fated Hastings “El Dorado expedition of Confederate veterans to Brazil.” For more than 50 years he had been identified with the “Old Brick Church” as an officer and member.
Honorary pallbearers will be Capt. Henry C. Binkleyr, Henry Knight, J. J. Freeman, George Newlin, W.A. Brown, W.T. Mackey, J. W. Taley, W.A. Jones, John Blevins, H.B. Chadwell, MacK Alexander, and Will Cole.
Active will be H.H. Hudson, C.E. Brown, C.L. Duke, Dr. H.B. Knight, A. D. Cole, and James Pickard.
Mr. Vaughan Fought through the War Between the States with Company B, Starne’s Regiment, Fourth Tennessee Cavalry. He served under Wheeler and Forrest, Capt. Henry C. Binkley is now the sole survivor of Company B.
His father, James H. Vaughan and many of his family living in Wilson and Davidson Counties also went on the Hasting’s expedition.
This trip was the dream of a Confederate officer who sought to remove Southern veterans and members of their families from carpet-bag rule. This party was to colonize the rich Amazon Valley of Brazil. Also settling at Sentarem, 500 miles up the Amazon, what is the family of Robert Riker of of Charleston to colonnade the Ritz Amazon Valley of Brazil. Also settling at Centerra, 500 miles up the Amazon, was the family of Robert Riker of Charleston, S.C.
Charles H. Vaughan and Lilia Riker were married in the “unreconstructed” colony 61 years ago.
Their leader stricken and their members depleted by the ravages of tropical disease and hardships, many of the colonists, including Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan, returned to the United States. The Vaughans settled in Davidson County. Herbert and Bauman Riker, brothers of Mrs. Vaughan, remained in Brazil, where they have engaged in the rubber industry.
Mrs. Vaughan and the following six children survive the old Confederate. Mrs. Paul W. Treaner, Nashville; Mrs. S. R. Hallen, Greeley, Colorado; Mrs. Alton B. Parker, Birmingham; and Misses Caroline and O. D. Vaughan, Brick Church Road, and Robert R. Vaughan.Detroit.
Nashville Banner (Nashville, Tennessee) 16 Dec 1937, Thu Page 24
Mrs. Vaughan Dies Unexpectedly at Home Here
The unexpected death last night of Mrs. Lilia Riker Vaughan, 81 at her residence on Brick Church Road, brought an end to a life which had been closely identified with Southern history following the War Between the States.
Mrs. Vaughan, for over 60 years a resident of the White’s Creek neighborhood, was the widow of Charles H. Vaughan who at the time of his death in the spring of 1933, was the sole survivor of the General Hasting’s “Eldorado expedition” of Confederate soldiers to Brazil at the close of the Civil War.
While her husband's family emigrated from Tennessee to Brazil, Mrs. Vaughan’s father, Robert Henry Riker of Charleston, at the request of Emperor Dom Pedro headed an expedition from his city, and the members of both forces settled in Santerem, 500 miles up the Amazon River.
It was there that Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan were married in 1872. Four years later they returned to the United States to reside in Davidson County. Mrs. Vaughan is survived by two brothers, David L. And Herbert Riker, growers of rubber trees in the Amazon valley. They were among the Brazilians who interest and Henry Ford to investigate the rubber industry possibilities in that section. The brothers are the only living members of the Riker expedition. Mrs. Vaughan is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Jenny White, formerly Wilson county, and now of Ada, Oklahoma; a son, G. D. Vaughan of Nashville; daughters, Mrs. S, R. Hallen, Georgetown, Colorado, Mrs. Allen N. Parker, Birmingham, Alabama. Mrs. Paul Treanor, and Miss Carlynn Vaughan of Nashville.
Funeral arrangements have not been announced.

John William Vaughan
BIRTH 30 MAR 1849 • Wilson County, Tennessee
DEATH Unknown
Hugh F. Vaughan
BIRTH 09 FEB 1852 • Wilson County, Tennessee
DEATH Unknown

11. Etheldred "Thell" Horn Vaughan
Etheldred was born on February 27 1855 In Wilson County, Tennessee and died on January 12 1921 in Nash-ville of arterio-sclerosis, Davidson County Tennessee. He married Elizabeth Elvira Pitts on November 22, 1879. He was one of the children that went to Brazil with his father and family. In Santarem Brazil, he married Elizabeth and that is where all his children were born, except for Florence who was born in 1899 once they had relocated back to Tennessee. While in Brazil, Mr. Vaughan was involved in the steam boat business. The family relocated back to his home state of Tennessee prior to 1895 where he was engaged as a real estate broker. They settled in Nashville permanently in 1905. His wife, Elizabeth, was born on January 6, 1857 in Nashville, the daughter of William Pitts (per death Certificate) or Joe (per obituary - Obituary of Etheldred states that her father was a Doctor which would mean that Josiah Pitts is probably her father) and the granddaughter of Rev. Foun-tain E. Pitts, She died on October 26, 1926 of acute nephritis.
Etheldred and Elizabeth would have at least six children:
1. Albert Dee Vaughan
BIRTH 12 JAN 1880 • Santarem, Para, Brazil
DEATH 10 JUN 1899 • Santarem, Para, Brazil
No further information (Died at 19)
2. Ednor Josiah Vaughan
BIRTH 30 MAR 1883 • Santarem, Para, Brazil
DEATH 1894 • Santarem, Para, Brazil
No further information (Died at 11)
3. Ouida Daisy Vaughan (See # 3 Below)
4. Fanny Alm Vaughan
BIRTH:22 Mar 1893
DEATH:23 Mar 1897
Died Young. No further information
5. Melvin Etheldred Vaughan Sr. (See # 5 Below)
6. Florence Deolinda Vaughan (See # 6 Below)

3. Ouida Daisy Vaughan
BIRTH 13 MAR 1891 • Brazil
DEATH 19 FEBRUARY 1972 • Tennessee
Madison, Davidson County, Tennessee, USA
BIRTH ABT 1892 • Tennessee
DEATH 30 SEP 1979 • Arizona
The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee) - 20 Feb 1972 - Page 61
FROST, Ouida Vaughan -- Feb. 19. 1972 at a local infirmary. Survived by husband, Thomas M. Frost Sr.; daughters, Mrs. Martha F. Beverly and Mrs. Edna M. Knopp; sons, Thomas M. Frost Jr. and Thel V. Frost; seven grandchildren and eight great-grand children. Her remains are at the home, 1204 Stainback Ave. Complete arrangements to be announced later ROESCH-PATTON & COSMOPOLITAN, Chapel, 904 Gallatin Road. 227-4424.
The Arizona Republic;: 2/ Oct/ 1979
Thomas Frost
Graveside services for Thomas M. Frost, 88, who had been an accountant for Phillips-Burtoff MFG. Co. in Nashville before moving here in 1973, will be 10 a.m. Wednesday in Arizona Veterans Cemetery, 13039 N. Cave creek Road. Mr. Frost, 3613 W. State, was a World War 1 veteran and died Sept. 30, 1979 in Phoenix Veterans Hospital.
He is survived by his children, Martha Beverly, Edna Knopp, Thomas Jr. and T.V.; seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
Ouida and Thomas had 5 children:
1. Thomas Mason Frost Jr.
Thomas Mason Frost Jr. was born on September 25, 1916 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee and he died on on November 30, 2002 in Gilbert, Maricopa County, Arizona. He was a Master Sargent serving in the US Army during World War II, Korea and Vietnam. He was married to Lillian Jewel Parker who was born on September 23 1920 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the daughter of Jesse and Ina Bearden Parker. She died the day before her husband and they are both buried in the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona located in Phoenix, Arizona. No children are listed.
2. Martha Jane Frost
Martha Jane Vaughan was born on about 1920 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee and died August 5, 2000. She appears to have been married three tmes. The first to a Mr. Gooch with whom she would have a daughter (Ouida Gooch) - born 1940. Martha is listed as being in her father's residence in 1940 with no husband listed. In 1944 Martha looks to have married a Mr. Roberson and then in 1950 her name is listed as Martha Beverly.
No further information.
Child by Mr. Gooch:
1. Ouida Gooch (Born 1940)
3. Thel V. Frost
Thel V. Frost was born on August 20, 1923 in Nashville, Davidson County,
Tennessee and died on March 26, 1996 in Winnebago, Illinois. He was married to Dorothy Parker Farmer, born about 1924, the daughter of Howard and Sadie Farmer of Nashville.
Dorothy Farmer
B: abt 1924 in Tennessee
The Tennessean; : 29/ Mar/ 1996; : Nashville, Tennessee
Thel V. Frost, 74, 2570 Century Drive, Winnebago, Ill., a retired night superintendent at Swift and Company, died Tuesday, Swedish American Hospital, Rockford, Ill..Cause not disclosed. Graveside services 2 p.m. tomorrow, Winnebago Cemetery. Kenneth L. Countryman Funeral Home in charge. Survivors, son, Thel E. Frost, Cuthbert, Ga., daughters, Patricia Frey, Winnebago, and Sandra Moore, Fairview, brother, Thomas Frost Jr., Phoenix, sisters, Edna Knopp, San Diego, and Martha Beverly; nine grandchildren; two step-grandchildren.
Thel and Dorothy had three children
1. Thel Evans Frost
Thel was born on Sepyember 8, 1944 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee and died of a heart attack in waterloo Iowa on July 247, 1998. He was married to Beth ( ) and has two children T. Mat-
thew and Jennifer
The Courier (Waterloo, Iowa) Mon, Jul 27, 1998 Page 5
DENVER -- Thel E. Frost, 53, of Denver, died Friday, July 24, at Allen Memorial Hospital, Waterloo, of a heart attack; survivors
include his wife, Beth, a son, T. Matthew of Valparaiso, Ind.; a
daughter, Jennifer J Ward of Cuthbert, Ga.; two grandchildren;
and two sisters, Patricia Frey of Winnebago, Ill., and Sandra
Moore of Lyles, Tenn: he was preceded in death by his parents,
Thel V. and Dorothy P. Farmer Frost. Services will be 11 a.m.
Wednesday at St. paul United Church of Christ, Denver, with
burial in Indiana; friends may call from 2 to 9 p.m. Tuesday Schumacher Funeral Home, Denver, memorials may be dir-
ected to the American Heart Association: Mr Frost was em-
ployed as a rendering manager at IBP Inc. in Waterloo.
2. Sandra Frost married Mr. Moore
3. Patricia Frost married Mr. Frey
4. Edna Marie Frost
BIRTH27 Jul 1923
DEATH17 Dec 2015 (aged 92)
Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery
San Diego, San Diego County, California, USA
Cyrus Walter Knopp
BIRTH 26 AUGUST 1918 • Winona County, Minnesota
DEATH 11 JULY 2011 • San Diego, San Diego, California, USA
The Tenneseean, 21 Jul 1943 Page 8
Nashville Girl Weds in California
CAMP ROBERTS, Calif., July 20, 1943 --Sgt. Theiel B. Frost, of Camp Roberts announces the marriage of his sister, Miss Edna Frost, formerly of Nashville, Tenn. to Cpl. C.W. Knopp.
Edna and Cyrus had at least one child:
1. Michael Knopp died 2008
5. Elmore Evans Frost
Elmore was born about 1926 in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee and died on January 9, 1937 in Nashville.
"As posted on Find-A Grave:
A schoolboy living at 1204 Stainback Avenue, Nashville, he was 11 years old when he was at home and his stockings caught on fire burning his legs on December 17, 1936. He died of septicemia from the burns on January 9, 1937 at Vanderbilt Hospital and was buried three days later in Spring Hill Cemetery.
The above is from his Death Certificate, with T M Frost of 1204 Stainback Avenue as the informant."
5. Melvin Etheldred Vaughan Sr.
Melvin was born on July 25. 1895 in Manuas, Amazonas, Brazil and died on January 6, 1969 in Downey, Los Angeles County, California. Prior to 1918, in Nashville, Tennessee, he married Rozelle Rainey. Rozelle was born on June 6, 1898 in Caney Springs, Marshall county, Tennessee to James Henry Rainey and Lorena Willomina Wallace. She died on March 5, 1992 in Laguna Beach, Orange Courty, California. By 1940, the family had left Tennessee, where he had worked as a manager for the Armiture and Electric Works, and had relocated to Los Angeles, California. Melvin and Roselle are both buried in Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles County, California
Melvin and Rozelle would have two Children:
1. Florence Vaughan
Florence was born on November 1, 1917 in Nashville, Davidson County Tennessee and died on January 13, 1988 in Orange County, California. I 1941 she married Christie Bernard Shannon, born in Los Angeles, the son of Thomas J. Shannon and Virginia Rawlings. He was born on October 12, 1916 in Santa Monica, California and died in Carson City, Nevada on July 4, 1990. His occupation was that of an electrician. Florence and Christie had at least two children (Twins) :
1. Kathleen L. Shannon Born and died July 1944 Premature birth
2. Christine Marie Shannon Born and died July 1944 Premature birth
2. Melvin Etheldred Vaughan Jr.
Melvin Etheldred Vaughan was born in Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee on Novem- ber 25, 1919 and died in Los Angeles County on February 7, 1987. He was an Electrical contractor and was a veteran of the U. S. Navy. Me married Ellen Gwen Davis. She was born on June 4, 1918 in El Centro, Imperial County, California and died on May 24, 2003 24, 2003 i n Corona, Riverside County. California . No futher information.
Melvin and Ellen would have at least one child:
1. Melvin Etheldred Vaughan III
Melvin III was on September 6, 1944 in Los Angeles County.
He married Pamela L. Siegel in Las Vegas,Nevada on October 9, 1965.
6. Florence Deolinda Vaughan
Florence was born on November 18, 1897 in Manuas, Amazonas, Brazil (Per Death Certicate) and died at the age of 32 on April 16, 1930 of peritonitis, complications of a pelvic operation done earlier. She died in Detroit Michigan. After the family had removed back to Tennessee from Brazil, Florence was working as a book keeper for a feed company at the age of twenty one, living with her parents. About 1918, she married Charles E. Chilton. No further information
The Tennesseean (Nashville, Tennessee) Sat. Apr 19, 1930, Page 10
Funeral Today For Mrs. Florence Chilton
Funeral services for Mrs. Florence Vaughan Chilton. 32, who died at her home in Detroit, Mich., Wednesday, will be held at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. M. Vaughan Frost, 1204 Stainback avenue, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Dr. Robert McInturff. Burial will be in the family square at Spring Hill cemetery.
Mts, Chilton was born in Brazil, where her parents were residing with a group of colonists, headed by her grandfather, the Rev. Fountain Pitts, the first Protestant missionary to that country. Her father had steamship interests in South America, and the family lived there for some time. They later moved back to the United States and settled in Nashville, where Mrs. Chilton was educated in the city schools. She married C.E. Chilton, and they later moved to the Michigan City.
Mrs. Chilton is survived by her husband and one sister, Mrs. Frost and one brother, Melvin E. Vaughan of Nashville, and one aunt, Mrs. Willie Cruz, who is a missionary in Brazil.
The following will serve as pallbearers: Milton Hughes. Frank Patterson, Charles Vaughan, Melvin Pyle, Porter Bradshaw and Dee Ayers.

12. Eduardo (Edward) and Willis Vaughan were twin brothers. They were born July 1869 ( I believe this date should be 1859 for they were the first children born to James and Elizabeth, and Sarah was not born until 1861 I have a census from 1860 and they are babies). Willis died of influenza in June 29, 1898. (my mother says it was called Spanish Fever and her grandfather Fountain also died from this epidemic).
13. Eduardo (Edward) and Willis Vaughan were twin brothers. They were born July 1869 ( I believe this date should be 1859 for they were the first children born to James and Elizabeth, and Sarah was not born until 1861 I have a census from 1860 and they are babies). Willis died of influenza in June 29, 1898. (my mother says it was called Spanish Fever and her grandfather Fountain also died from this epidemic).
15. Sarah (Sallie) Vaughan
Sarah was born on January 26, 1861 in Silver Springs,
Wilson Co., Tennessee and passed away in 1944 at the
age of 83 in Santarem, Brazil.
She married in Santarem to Fountain (E.) Pitts, son of Doctor Josiah Pitts in April 20, 1884.

16. Martha (Mattie) Vaughan, also known as Amelia, was born June 22, 1862. She married in Santarem with a man from Ceara (this is a state in the northeast of Brazil), by the name of Joao Machado September 21, 1889. She died in 1944, at the age of 82 years. The couple left many descendants.
17. Felix Vaughan married Betty Pitts Nov. 22, 1879. They had many children. They raised cattle, and the costume at that time was to milk the cow as the milk was sold door to door in front of the customer. Later on, they sold their property in Maica to Herbert Riker and they moved to the city of Manaus (capital of the Amazon).
18. Hardieth (Hardy) died single
19. Clemencia (Clementine) Vaughan died single. Her sister Hardieth (Hardy) died single also. Clemencia was sent to the USA when she was still a child to study. Just like her brother, she also asked to return to the land of Santarem which she loved so much.
Rebecca and Amy Grey, were adopted by the Vaughan family because their parents had died. (The parents were British, as there were three British families that had joined the American colony).
20. Amy Grey Vaughan Adopted
16. XXXX
21. Rebecca Grey Vaughan
16. XXXX

Johnson Vaughan - Brick Layer Apprentice - 1807