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Ballard Smith Dunn


On October 28, the Rev. Ballard Smith Dunn arrived in Rio de Janeiro on the Adelaide Pendergast from New York to search for lands for southern colonies. Dunn, the rector of St. Phillips Church of New Orleans from 1859 to 1861, served as chaplain and ordnance officer in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He determined to immigrate to Brazil after a long and painful argument with church leaders of church protocol, provoked by disagreement concerning the ownership and placements of a baptismal font. After a series of written exchanges between Dunn in the Rev. Alexander Greg, Bishop of Texas, Dunn found his character somewhat impeached, even in his native




























The  two  determined  to join  forces in  their

search, and they left on the  twenty-fourth to

ascend Pariq-uera River. The lands there, once

again, were not what Dunn  wanted, and the

quest continued.  Upon reaching the  Juquia

River,  however,  Dunn's  aspect changed en-

tirely. "At every turn of the beautiful stream," wrote the rector, "I felt like exclaiming Eureka!, Eureka!" Dunn proclaimed the land fit for virtually any crops, including coffee, tobacco, cotton, or sugar cane. He resolved to secure a government tract of 614,000 acres at the colony site and to name it Lizzieland after his wife, Elizabeth.


On June 30, 1866, Dunn concluded a favorable agreement with the director public lands, Bernardo Augosto Nacente Azambuj, which provided for land at forty-three and one-half cents per acre. Emigrants were to be able to purchase as much property hey wanted; however, Dunn was to be responsible for all payments to the government, with full title being granted after the debts were paid. Colonists were to be allowed to bring in all implements of agriculture, manufacturers, machines, and utensils for their own use, with no import duties, and the government was to provide provisional housing to emigrants upon arrival. The Brazilian government also agreed to furnish the transportation costs, pay for one ship for every two provided by Dunn. Finally, the agreement allows Dunn's colonists to disembark directly at Iguape--- at the head of the Ribeira de Iguape instead of going through Rio de Janeiro.


Parson Dunn returned to Louisiana and recruited the colonists for Lizzieland, and on April 1, 1867, the steam-ship Marmion sailed from New Orleans with 260 emigrants. They reached the harbor of Rio de Janeiro on March 16 and docked one day later. All were taken to a magnificent building called government house or Cassa de Saude, a structure formerly belonging to a Brazilian nobleman and located on the Morro de Saude--- one of the many hills that dot the landscape in Rio. At this mansion, called by the colonist the Emigrant Hotel, they were provided with food and housing while waiting for transportation to their new homes on the Juquia. According to one account, the group from the Marmion broke up in Rio, some going to Gold and diamond mines at Minas Garaes Province and others joining the colonial ventures of Charles Grandison Gunter on the Rio Doce. Many remaining in Rio rather than join established colonies.


If some emigrants who came to Brazil as part of Dunn's party left it in Rio, there may have been others who joined it for the trip to Iguape on May 24th at the newspaper Correo Mercantil in Rio reported that 257 North American emigrants were on board the Marmion for the last leg of the journey. As soon as possible, the entire group traveled by steamship up the Ribeira de Iguape as far as it was navigable, then boarded long thirty-foot canoes for their final journey up the Rio Juquai. Although the land was secured and crops were planted, a disastrous flood destroyed the first year’s worth of the Dunn colonists, causing wholesale desertion of the site to other parts of Brazil or a return to the United States. Dunn himself left for the United States before the tragedy, supposedly to recruit colonists. However, in New Orleans minister never return to Brazil, much to the chagrin of those who had followed him to that country.


The Rev. Dunn, whose intentions are still wrapped in a mystery, took leave of the flock three months after arriving at his Lizzieland. Some Confederates to this state believe that the Parson absconded with funds belonging to some of the colonists. The Miller family, in particular, was understood to have taken an oath that ”that was the last preacher we would ever into money too,” Dunn was the only leader whose honesty is forever in question, that the evidence against him was circumstantial. As soon as his group reached Brazil, letters were received by the southern press, warning prospective immigrants against ”the swindler


In his way, Dunn left four hundred Americans scattered across a plot of land as large as the state of Delaware, and over time, they blended into the Brazilian surroundings. It is reported that the Dunn colony in 1896 had only six houses that were still being occupied by the Confederado families. The site was overgrown with vegetation, and even the road was covered with weeks. There was no post office, no church, and the steamboats had stopped coming up the River.

On November 11, 1865, Dunn boarded the coastal packet steamer Diligence and spent a month examining lands in the provinces of Esperito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. Although Dunn spoke highly of what he saw and the persons that he met during the expedition, he nevertheless was not convinced that the areas where he looked were of the quality that he desired. As a result, he determined, on January 9, 1866, to resume his survey in São Paulo Province. The first ten days were spent principally in areas along the coast at the settlement of Cananea and the colony of Cananea and along the Itapetininga, Gara-hu, and Pindavina rivers, then to the town of Botujuru. From there, Dunn when down the Jacupiranga River to the Ribeira de Iguape, a broad river that flows into the ocean in this small village of Iguape. On January 20, Dunn was set to proceed with his explo-rations when, in Iguape, he unexpectedly met Dr. James M. Gaston, at that time still prospecting for land for his own colony.


Notes -

Loosely translated from Portuguese, hence the mangled syntax 


New Texas, Xiririca, and Jiquai,  cooler parts of Brazil could claim similar failures and successes. The Texan was demoralized by the death of its leader Frank McMullen. This honest and talented man had made the trip while in the painful throes of tuberculosis he did not slacken his pace for the proper rest in directing his calling as to their places on the things that you Joquai.


As it happened at the Rio dolce, the vast plots of land given to the street 20 colonies did not receive enough settlers for the establishment of a regular pattern will riverboat line. When it became apparent that the government was not able to do it, some settlers try to set up a present life. But the boat on the ground on the rocks at River’s interests, were they were forced to navigate across shifting sandbars on uncharted, unstretched streams. It was a vicious circle that put a slow economic squeeze on the settlers as word of the success of the Americana-Santa Barbara plantations reached them.


The Rev. Dunn, whose intentions are still wrapped in ministry, took leave the flock three months after arriving at his Lizzie land. Some Confederate as to the state believe that the Parsons absconded with funds belonging to some of the colonists. The Miller family, in particular, was understood to have taken an oath that”that was the last preacher we would ever into money to>” done was the only leader whose love is forever question, that the evidence against him was circumstantial. As soon as his group reached Brazil, letters were received by the southern press, warning prospective immigrants against”the swindler”


in his way, Dunn left 400 Americans scattered across a plot of land is the largest state of Delaware, and over time, they blended into the Brazilian surroundings. It is reported by Trevor to be done colony in 1896 that only six houses were still being occupied by the Confederate auto families. The site was overgrown vegetation, and even the road was covered with weeks. There was no post office, no church, and the steamboats had stopped coming up the River.


On paper the economics of the colonization schemes seemed foolproof. Everything--- from special dispensation from the government and transportation to housing, roads, lover, Gristmill’s, and even nails--- had been attended to. But one by one the settlements for the park, and the people moved to other areas of Brazil. Somehow, isolation in Brazil was not as terrible as isolation in the United States. Many of the dedicated agriculturalists on excellent lands in São Paulo’s interior, but the bulk of the colonists went to the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro the Miller family of the dolce moved to Americana because of the coffee growing boom. Since there were now to Miller family can Americana, these recalls the dolce(the Portuguese word for sweet) Miller’s, and the others were teasingly referred to as the Camargo (sour) Miller’s.





----------------------------------------------------------------- on November 26, 1865, two Southerners, Dr. Hugh A Shaw, and Maj. Robert Meriwether arrived in real on the North America as agents of the southern immigration Society of Edgefield, South Carolina. The men were mandated by the side of the to look at all of the Lancet to receive government had made available for settlement. After their arrival Brazil, however, the two men realized the enormity of the project determined to visit only those probably these which were in the province of São Paulo, an area which one historian noted was supposed to be best adapted to the wants and necessities of the southern people. Meriwether and Shaw joined forces with Dr. James M Gaston in making their search, accompanied by a guide and an interpreter which were furnished by the preceding minister of agriculture Pablo E Susa. After first examining the area around the city of Santos, a port city of South of Rio de Janeiro, the Meriwether, and Shaw party preceded by rail to São Paulo with a secure the necessary accouterments impact was to go into the interior areas. Their journeys extended as far as 200 miles from the city of São Paulo to her acquirer, but these distant properties did not prove to be the site for which the men were searching. Instead, they became convinced of the merits of lands near photo cootie, lens Colace, and the Valley of the TA take. This property was, unfortunately, over 100 miles from a rare road, and Meriwether and Shaw were rightfully concerned about the problems that they would cease transporting crops after harvest. As a result, they recommended to the Edgefield District 7 colonization society properties around Campinas, on the high lands north of the city of São Paulo and relatively near the river. Two Southerners wrote Meriwether and Shaw in their report to the southern colonization site that society in South Carolina, Ari had located on lands in that street. Despite the work of Robert Meriwether and Dr. H A Shaw, a society did not sponsor a colonization effort in Brazil yet both Meriwether and Shaw were determined to make the country their home.



His Family

Ballard Smith Dunn


BIRTH SEPT. 16, 1829 • Greenbrier County, West Virginia, USA

DEATH 6 MAR 1897 • Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA

Married 1st:  19 MAY 1860

Elizabeth Stansbury


BIRTH ABOUT 1837 • Harford County, Maryland, USA

DEATH Unknown

Daughter of Emerson Stansbury and Elizabeth Divers


Married 2nd   29 Apr 1886 • New York, New York, USA

Florence Elizabeth Smith

Daughter of Phillip Smitha and Isabella Tondy


Aug. 25, 1865: Passport info states his birth location as Greenbrier Co VA (later became WV).April 29, 1886: Rev. Ballard Smith Dunn states his parent's names were Simeon & Hannah...





Cornelia Calmese Dunn


BIRTH 8 FEB 1861 • New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA

DEATH 6 JUL 1935 • Harford County, Maryland, USA


Lt. Edward Hill Dorsey Pue


BIRTH 27 APR 1840 • Bel Air, Harford, Maryland, USA

DEATH 23 DEC 1905 • Bel Air, Harford, Maryland, USA

Son of Michael Edward Pue and Elizabeth Divers Bull


Find A Grave

Company K, 1st Maryland Cavalry, Payne's Brigade, Mumford's Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, C.S.A.

Residence Bel Air, Harford County MD; a 21-year-old Farmer; 6' 1.0", fair complexion, light eyes, light hair.
Enlisted on 5/4/1861 at Leesburg, VA., he was mustered into Company M, 1st Virginia Cavalry as a Private. (This company was redesignated 2nd Company K.)
Listed initially as 4th Corporal on July & Aug 1862 Roll.
Listed initially as Corporal on May & June 1863 Roll.
Hospitalized 11/29 - 12/13/1861 in Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond.
Wounded 7/3/1863 Gettysburg, PA.; absent, wounded on Aug & Sept 1863 Roll.
Elected 2nd Lieutenant 10/1/1863.
Horse Killed In Action 1/24/1864; reimbursed $350.00 for the brown mare.
Wounded In Action 5/8/1864 Spotsylvania Court House, VA.
On 8/6/1864 Company was transferred into the 1st Maryland Cavalry; listed as the 3rd Lieutenant.
Wounded In action 8/22/1864 Reams' Station, VA.
Wounded In Action in actions/skirmishes in Shenandoah Valley 3 times in 1864.
Listed as 2nd Lieutenant on Nov & Dec 1864 final Roll.
"Wounded 11 times, including 2 saber cuts which knocked out a number of teeth"; in 209 battles and skirmishes.

After the War, he lived in "Woodview", Harford County, MD.


- LIEUT. E.H.D. PUE. -
The following points are taken from a paper by H.H. Matthews in the Baltimore Sun:

"Lieut. Edward H.D. Pue died on his farm, near Belair, Md., on December 23, aged sixty-five.
At the commencement of the war young Edward Pue, fired with the outrages that had been perpetrated upon the South, buckled on his armor, and started for Virginia to join the Confederate States forces. He crossed the Potomac at Edward's Ferry, going to Leesburg, Va., where he joined a company on May 14, 1861, that was being organized there by George R. Gaither, later a Captain. This company was composed of seventy-five young men from Maryland, a very celebrated command. It was known throughout the entire Army of Northern Virginia as being one of the most brilliant and distinguished in the cavalry arm of the service. This company figured in every general engagement in which the Army of Northern Virginia participated and in numerous smaller actions. Lieut. Edward Pue was in them all, always at the front. The company acted independently on the Potomac River and in the Valley of Virginia under Capt. Gaither. In August 1864, the company, with their gallant commander, was transferred to the 1st Maryland Cavalry, Capt. G.W. Dorsey became Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment as the successor to Lieut. Col. Ridgely Brown was killed on June 1, 1864, near the South Anna River.

Lieut. Pue remained with his command until the end of the great war drama. At the close of the struggle, he was First Lieutenant commanding the company. He held the right of the line of his company for three years. He was wounded at Gettysburg, Pa., Spottsylvania, Reams Station, and three times in the Valley of Virginia. Lieut. Pue was a soldier who possessed all the qualities that go to make a man a leader of men, holding their respect and confidence to the highest degree. He was endowed with a magnetic personality that spread its influence around those who had the privilege of knowing him as a comrade and leader.
He was intense in his love for the South, believing that its invasion was born of the devil, unwarranted, and a desecration of the hearthstone of the Southern homesteads. He believed it to be his duty to aid in repelling those invaders, disputing their advance with all the fire of his nature and vigor of his manhood....
Lieut. Pue was always in the advance of his command, meeting the first shock of the Federal charge. At such a moment he seemed to grow in proportions until he bore the appearance of a gladiator. With sword and pistol, he met the charge, and by his brave bearing, he inspired his men with that feeling to do and die that always makes heroes. He was a superb horseman, one of the best in the troop. When he would raise himself in his stirrups and cry 'Forward, men!' the figure he presented was worthy of the canvas of any artist; and when the sweet dove of peace spread her wings over the disrupted and devastated South, Lieut. Pue returned to his old home, near Belair, Md., broken-hearted, sorrowful, but not repentant, apologizing to no one, regretting that the cause for which he had fought so hard was unsuccessful.

What a legacy he has left to his widow and children! How proud they should be of his record as a Confederate soldier! How priceless they should value that legacy! All the jewels of the crowned heads of Europe pale into insignificance when weighed in the balance against his record as a true and loyal soldier of the Southland, remaining so until he laid down his life at the feet of his Master.
'He was not ashamed of his jacket of gray.'

On Tuesday, December 26, he was laid to rest in the beautiful churchyard of St: Mary's, at Emmorton, Harford County, Md." Confederate Veteran, Vol. XIV, p. 83.

Bio by: BigFrench


1.  Michael Edward Pue

2.  Clara Hill Dorsey PUE

3.  Elizabeth Ballard PUE

4.  Berthenia Stansbury Pue



Michael Edward Pue


BIRTH 3 NOV 1883 • Harford County, Maryland, USA

DEATH 8 OCT 1915 • Pocahontas County, West Virginia, USA

Married:  5 Sep 1911 • Greenbrier County, West Virginia, USA

Maria Nannie P Kinsey


BIRTH 21 JUL 1886 • Rectortown, Fauquier, Virginia, USA

DEATH 26 JUL 1971 • Woodsboro, Frederick County, Maryland, USA

Daughter of James H Kinsey and Minnie Martha Holdren




Cornelia Mae "Neile" Pue


BIRTH 20 JUN 1940

DEATH 14 JAN 2021 • Frederick, Frederick, Maryland, USA


Edgar Eugene Cruchley


BIRTH MAR 1937 • Frederick County, Maryland, USA

Son of Harry Elmer Cruchley and Mary Frances Elizabeth Blair



Find A Grave

Cornelia (Neile) Pue Crutchley died peacefully Thursday, January 14, 2021, at Kline Hospice House. She was born June 20, 1940, the daughter of the late Michael E. and Olga V. Pue, and the wife of Edgar E. Crutchley. Neile grew up in Woodsboro and attended Frederick County schools, graduating from FHS in 1958.

Neile was employed by Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) from September 1968 through June 2002. She began her career at Thomas Johnson High School and retired after working at the farmhouse on Hayward Road-a great experience. Neile loved her family and was especially grateful to those who were so helpful during her illness. She loved her church (All Saints' Episcopal), having been in choirs most of her life, the Flower Guild half her life, the All Saints' Ringers, the Joy Bells, and the Altar Guild. She loved her animals and especially loved being at home and putzing in her backyard. Neile is survived by her husband Ed of 62 years, her sister Nan Pue and fiance Pete Cody, her brother Michael Pue Jr. and wife Betty, her son, Edgar Crutchley Jr., and her daughter, Tammy Haller; grand-


children Cody Crutchley, Caitlin Eichelmann and husband Kyle, Adam Klosterman and wife Courtney, Leslie Klosterman and fiance TonyNester, Hannah Klosterman, Emily Ridgely, great-grandson Landon Eichelmann, nephews, Michael Pue III and wife Terri, Jim Pue and wife Carol Lynn, great nephew Michael Pue IV, and great nieces Abby and Kinsey Pue.


Michael Edward Pue Jr


BIRTH SEP 1942 • Maryland, USA

Married:  13 Jun 1964 • Walkersville, Frederick, Maryland, USA

Betty Wright Burrier


BIRTH ABT 1943 • Walkersville, Frederick, Maryland, USA

Daughter of Charles Daniel Burrier and Mabel Wright






Michael Edward Pue III


BIRTH 12 AUG 1966



Nan Kinsey Pue


BIRTH 31 DEC 1944, Maryland, USA

James Hanson Pue


BIRTH 11 MAR 1914 • Pocahontas County, West Virginia, USA

DEATH 11 FEB 1943 • Maryland, USA

Died at age 28


Clara Hill Dorsey Pue


BIRTH 23 AUG 1886 • Harford County, Maryland, USA

DEATH 27 JAN 1979

Married:  13 Oct 1920 • Bel Air, Harford, Maryland, USA

William Worth Graham Jr


BIRTH AUG 1887 • Virginia, USA

Son of Mr and Mrs William Worth Graham Sr 





William Worth Graham III


BIRTH 19 AUG 1923 • Baltimore, Maryland, USA

DEATH 14 MAR 2002 • Lake City, Columbia, Florida, USA

Married:  2 Feb 1954 • Emmorton, Anne Arundel, Maryland, USA

Yvette LaVarre



Daughter of William LaVarre and Alice Elliott


Belleville Daily Advocate

Belleville, Illinois

06 Feb 1954, Sat  •  Page 5

country before depositing him at Yokota, Japan, where he

established the first Air Traffic Control School and de-

signed an enlarged flight pattern for Tokyo's Hanada Inter-

national Airport.

In February 1965, he retired from the service as a lieut-

enant colonel and moved into Paradice Plantation, a 17th-

century monastery in Harford County.

There, he took up Christmas tree farming and became president of the Maryland Christmas Tree Growers Association.

Mr. Graham also continued to work for the government with the Systems Research and Development Service at the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington for many years until he resigned because of failing health.

In 1990, he moved to Lake City to seek treatment for his advancing Parkinson's disease at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, where he died.

He was a dedicated Chesapeake Bay sailor whose 30-foot Hunter sloop Seahorse was renowned for its garish yellow dinghy. He was also a member of the Society of Colonial Wars, the St. Andrews Society of Baltimore and St. Mary's Episcopal Church of Emmorton in Abingdon, Harford County.

Services will be held at the church at 11 a.m. Friday, followed by burial with military honors in the church cemetery.

In addition to his wife of 48 years, Mr. Graham is survived by a daughter, Alice E. Schoenig of Charlottesville, Va.; two sons, James C. Graham of Bethesda and William W. Graham IV of Churchville; and six grandchildren.

Mr. Graham donated his brain to the McKnight Institute at the University of Florida. His family suggests contributions in his name to the institute at P.O. Box 100015, Gainesville, Fla. 32610-0015.

Lt. Col. William Worth Graham III, a career Air Force officer who won distinction during World War II by pummeling Japanese positions with his B-25 bomber Dirty Dora, died Thursday in Lake City, Fla., after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. The longtime Harford County resident was 79.

A photograph of his plane attacking an enemy barge is in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution.

"He was 6-foot-4-and-a-half, with perfect teeth and a pile of blond hair," recalled his wife, the former Yvette LaVarre, who met her husband in a Long Island, N.Y., summer school when she was 6 years old. "He was just gorgeous."

Born in Baltimore, Mr. Graham spent much of his youth living with his aunts and attending schools on Long Island and in Tryon, N.C., after doctors decided that the damp Maryland winters were worsening his respiratory problems. Upon graduating from high school in Tryon, he returned to Maryland and worked briefly at Edgewood Arsenal as a dispatcher.

Then, almost on a lark, he and a group of friends enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1941. After graduating from a Georgia flight school, he shipped out for the Pacific as one of the youngest pilots in the 499th Medium Bomb Squadron, the swashbuckling "Bats Out of Hell" who undertook daring low-level assaults on ground and sea targets.

Two years, 79 combat missions and a chest full of distinguished-service ribbons later, Mr. Graham, then a lieutenant, returned to the States as a flight instructor before being discharged to attend the Washington and Lee School of Economics, where he graduated in 1949.

But he did not stay earthbound long.

With the onset of the Korean War, he re-enlisted and fulfilled his goal of completing an 80th combat mission before taking command of the air station at Point Barrow, Alaska, in 1950.

In 1953, while he was home in Bel Air visiting his family, an old friend stopped by while traveling through Maryland. It was Yvette LaVarre. A year later, the couple married.Specializing in communications and airway manage-ment, he began a whirlwind of appointments that took him to nearly every major Air Force base in the


Elizabeth Ballard Pue


BIRTH 5 SEP 1891 • Bel Air, Harford, Maryland, USA

DEATH 9 MAY 1973 • Saluda, Polk, North Carolina, USA

Married:  1911 • Marlinton, Pocahontas, West Virginia, USA

James Pinkney Williams


BIRTH 28 APR 1886

DEATH 5 JAN 1948 • Cleveland County, North Carolina, USA

Son of Mr and Mrs T G Williams




James Pinckney Williams


BIRTH 8 JUN 1913 • Georgetown County, South Carolina, USA

DEATH 6 SEP 1965 • Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USA

Married:  9 Sep 1950 • Minnehaha County, South Dakota, USA

June Hamlin


BIRTH JULY 10, 1919 • Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, South Dakota, USA

DEATH 2008 • Hudson, Summit County, Ohio, USA

Daughter of Henry C Hamlin and Maud M Muller



The News and Observer

Raleigh, North Carolina

29 Mar 2008, Sat  •  Page 28


The Charlotte Observer

Charlotte, North Carolina

14 Apr 1982, Wed  •  Page 22


Cornelia Pue Williams


BIRTH 31 JUL 1915 • Andrews, Williamsburg, South Carolina, USA

DEATH 6 DEC 2004 • Tryon, Polk, North Carolina, USA

Married:  1 Mar 1941 • Tryon, Polk, North Carolina, USA

William Roger McLean


BIRTH 24 OCT 1915 • Star, Montgomery, North Carolina, USA

DEATH 12 APR 1982 • Fayetteville, Cumberland, North Carolina, USA

Son of Robert Clyde McLean and Rose Ellen Cochran


Asheville Citizen-Times

Asheville, North Carolina

02 Mar 1941, Sun  •  Page 19


Berthenia Stansbury Pue


BIRTH 8 OCT 1893 • Harford County, Maryland, USA

DEATH 22 OCT 1976

Henry Trew Crocker


BIRTH 6 JAN 1887 • Baltimore County, Maryland, USA

DEATH 18 AUG 1937 • Baltimore City, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Son of Samuel Griffeth Crocker and Letitia Davis


The Baltimore Sun

Baltimore, Maryland

24 Oct 1976, Sun  •  Page 14




Henry Trew Crocker Jr.


BIRTH 27 MAY 1916 • Bel Air, Harford, Maryland, USA

DEATH 3 JAN 2008 • Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA

Married:  20 Oct 1951 • Harve de Grace , Maryland, USA

Ethel Adelaide Silver


BIRTH 27 APR 1928 • Havre de Grace, Harford, Maryland, USA

DEATH 16 OCT 2013 • Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Daughter of George Bartol Silver and Ida Morrison Lowell




dunn ethel silver crocker.jpg
dunn h t jr crocker.jpg


Michael Pue Crocker


BIRTH 23 JUL 1918 • Bel Air, Harford,

Maryland, USA

DEATH 4 AUG 2001 • Sykesville, Carroll,

Maryland, USA

Married:   11 Jun 1945 • Lexington,

Virginia, USA

Rosa Tucker Fletcher


BIRTH 22 SEP 1920 • Rockbridge County,

Virginia, USA

DEATH 20 SEP 2017

Daughter of Sydney Forest F. Fletcher and

Laura Powell Tucker



Berthenia Pue Crocker


BIRTH 10 JUL 1920 • Bel Air, Harford, Maryland, USA

DEATH 15 OCT 2003 • Macon, Bibb, Georgia, USA

Married:  10 Jun 1944 • Camp Polk, Deschutes, Oregon, USA

Francis Daly Smith


BIRTH 19 FEB 1912 • Macon, Bibb, Georgia, USA

DEATH 29 SEP 2001 • Macon, Bibb, Georgia, USA

Sonr of Benjamin Cleveland Smith Jr. and Adele Marie Daly


MACON - Berthenia "Sitie" C. Smith, 83, formerly of 1266 Waverland Drive, died Wednesday. Grave-side services will be held at 3:00 p.m., Friday, in Rose Hill Cemetery with the Rev. J. Wesley Smith officiating. The family suggests that in lieu of flowers, memorial contributions be made to the Alzhei-mer's Association, 277 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Suite 201, Macon, GA 31201, or to the Genealogical Department of the Washington Memorial Library, 1180 Washington Avenue, Macon, GA 31201.

Mrs. Smith, the widow of Francis Daly Smith, was born in Bel Air, Maryland the daughter of the late Henry and Berthenia Crocker, and had lived in Macon most of her life. Mrs. Smith was a professional genealogist, was the author of two books on genealogy, and had worked to restore the old City Ceme-tery. Mrs. Smith was a member of Christ Episcopal Church and was a sustaining member of the Junior League of Macon, Inc. where she had held several offices. Mrs. Smith served as Chairman of the Macon Town Committee of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America and was on the Roll of Honor of the National Society. She had served as State Regent of Gunston Hall Plantation for many years. Mrs. Smith had a strong love of family and of history and was an avid traveler and gardener.

Survivors include her sons and daughters-in-law, Francis Daly Smith and Deborah Parrish Smith and Henry Crocker Smith and Sarah Holmes Smith, all of Macon; her daughter and son-in-law, Cleveland Smith Muecke and Harold W. Muecke, of Macon; five grandchildren, Alexander Daly Smith, Joshua Michael Rader, Hunter Crocker Smith, Elizabeth Reid Winchester, and Sarah Griffith Winchester; two brothers, Henry Crocker of Pennsylvania and Dorsey Crocker of Darlington, Maryland.
Snow's Memorial Chapel, Cherry Street, has charge of arrangements.
Obituary By: Snow's Memorial Chapel, Cherry Street


Hannah Maglin Dunn

1860 Census

Lists children: Dorah, Charles & Simeon Before leaving to Brazil they had 2 more children, Mary Arabella Thacher & Emma Thacher. After arrival in Brazil, they had Frank Thacher, Joseph Wood Thacher & Stella Thacher.

This shows she was away at school.Also attending this school are Brothers Joseph Wood Dunn (who married Elizabeth Vinton) & Simeon R. Dunn (who married Elizabeth Thacher, sister to Andrew who married Hannah)




Rev. Joseph Wood Dunn

Rev. Joseph Wood Duun was the older brother of immigration colony leader Rev. Ballard Smith Dunn.  He was born in Ohio to Simeon Dunn and Hannah Wood in 1822.  He attended Marietta College in Marietta, Ohio from about 1847 to 1850-1851.  He married Elizabeth Kemble Vinton on December 8, 1851.  She was the daughter of Thomas Vinton and Elizabeth Kemble Oliver and also a student at Marietta College.


After their marriage, the couple relocated to Chapel, Texas, USA where he engaged in teaching.  Shortly thereafter he professed his faith and was ordained in the Protestant Episcopal church.  He was very successful and was responsible for the startup of several new churches.  

During this tie period, he and Elizabeth would have two children, a girl, possibly named Connie, born about 1852, they then a son,  named Freman - born in 1854.  In 1869, the family of four sailed to Brazil.  They were recruited by his brother, Ballard.  There is a record of them traveling with the Thatcher family, sailing into the port of Iguape, probably from Rio de Janeiro. 


The Thatchers were also from the same locality in Ohio that the Dunns were from. and the families were known to each other.  Joseph and Ballard's youngest brother, Simeon R. Dunn was married to, Elizabeth, Thatcher, the sister of Andrew Thatcher, the head of the Thatcher family.   It does not appear that Simeon and Elizabeth went to Brazil.   Andrew Thatcher was married to Hannah Maglin Dunn who was probably a cousin or other close relative to Joseph and Ballard.  The records are unclear as to what the relationship could be.  We do know that the Dunn and Thatcher families share a lot of the same given names.


During their relatively short stay in Brazil, about six years - they returned to the United States in 1876,   On this return trip, only three named family members are listed, implying that the daughter had stayed behind (She would have been about twenty-five years old in 1876.  She possibly could have married or died during their stay.  It is unclear what Joseph did when in Brazil, whether he was a preacher or a teacher.


After their return to the United States, settling in Texas,  the son, Freman became a teacher.  He had contracted consumption and would pass away in April of 1880.  Unfortunately, Joseph had also contracted the disease and passed away at his sister's home in Maryland a few months later in July.  His wife, Elizabeth, would live until 1893, passing away in New Orleans.   

Joseph Wood Dunn


BIRTH ABT 1822 • Ohio

DEATH 9 JULY 1880 • Baltimore County, Maryland, USA

Married 8 Dec 1851 • Marietta, Washington, Ohio, USA

Elizabeth Kemble Vinton


BIRTH 15 NOV 1822 • Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

DEATH 28 OCT 1893 • New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA


This small newspaper entry has J. Wood Dunn traveled with Andrew Thatcher to Brazil with their wives, children, and a slave. This entry says J. Wood was traveling with 3 children. Later records from a return to the US have only one child listed.




DUNN J W 1.jpg

Christian Witness and Church Advocate

1853-07-15     2


The Baltimore Sun

Baltimore, Maryland

12 Jul 1880, Mon  •  Page 4

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Christian Witness and_Church Advocate 1854-02-03     2

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The Times-Picayune

New Orleans, Louisiana

29 Oct 1893, Sun  •  Page 4



Connie?  Dunn






Freman W Dunn


BIRTH ABT 1854 • Missouri, USA

DEATH APR 1880 • Orange County, Texas, USA


Freman returned to the United States from Brazil with his parents in 1876.  He was a school teacher and looks to have never married.  He died in 1880 from consumption at the age of 26

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